Most Spoken Refugee Language in America

Any idea what all this multiculturalism is costing us?  I discuss how much Liberalism costs America in my book “Race Pimping.”  For those of you who don’t think you’re being pimped by race, just look at these numbers.

Since the Clinton Executive Order (which Bush refused to rescind), the American taxpayers have been responsible for supplying translators for all schools, health departments, hospitals, the criminal justice system, and a host of other agencies.

Translation services are becoming one of the most significant (and costly) cottage industries orbiting within the refugee resettlement industry.

Below are the top ten languages spoken by refugees entering the US (from Fiscal Year 2008 to the end of the first quarter of FY 2015 (December 31, 2014).  See more here.

Rank Native Language FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 Cumulative Total
1 Arabic 9,767 13,675 15,199 7,372 9,938 17,230 17,859 4,430 95,470
2 Nepali 5,302 13,450 12,355 14,993 15,114 9,164 8,484 1,304 80,166
3 Sgaw Karen 7,460 3,331 5,833 6,521 4,148 5,011 4,115 1,046 37,465
4 Somali 2,402 3,879 4,787 3,057 4,763 7,295 8,449 2,664 37,296
5 Spanish 4,247 4,831 4,951 2,976 2,075 4,429 4,305 778 28,592
6 Chaldean 2,897 3,783 2,550 1,392 1,790 1,954 1,328 204 15,898
7 Burmese 3,769 2,040 1,414 1,290 1,146 1,523 1,066 233 12,481
8 Armenian 3,625 3,444 1,798 747 387 875 1,190 263 12,329
9 Kayah 0 5,267 1,922 1,179 595 784 637 136 10,520
10 Other Minor Languages 1,788 1,913 1,667 673 1,006 1,277 1,124 242 9,690
  Total 41,257 55,613 52,476 40,200 40,962 49,542 48,557 11,300 339,907


If you note the dramatic drop in the Somali number back in 2008, that is the year that the US State Department shut down the Somali family reunification program when they discovered widespread fraud.

It was found that Somalis were lying on their applications, and were not related at all to those they claimed were kin.

It should also be noted that the last six people attempting to help ISIS were relocated Somalis residing in Minnesota.


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