Elizabeth Warren Needs to Shut Her Anglo-Saxon Mouth

I was interviewed by Deneen Borelli for an article that she wrote about Elizabeth Warren calling Donald Trump a racist, and below are my comments.

Before we get to that, know that it’s not surprise Warren is back in the mainstream. She hid out, because she has more skeletons than the TV show Bones. But the Democrats are desperate for a backup plan, and they believe the statute of limitations on Warren’s bad deeds has ended, so voila, she is now relevant again.

What this means is Hillary Clinton is in trouble. How much? Don’t know, don’t care. But until Bernie Sanders goes away, and Warren sent back to purgatory, Hillary Clinton has to keep her cup on and her mouthpiece in, because the punches will keep coming.

As Deneen Borelli wrote:

On her Facebook and Twitter accounts, following Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) suspending his campaign after Trump’s decisive victory in the Indiana primary, Warren said, “Trump has built his campaign on racism, sexism, and xenophobia. There’s more enthusiasm for him among leaders of the KKK than leaders of the political party he now controls.”

Central to Warren’s effort is to keep negative feelings about Trump high with key demographic groups in order to attract and drive voters to the polls. The latter point is especially important since turnout in the Democrat primaries is far lower than the Republican primary turnout.

Warren’s claims that Trump is a racist carries the most potential damage for the presumptive GOP nominee since it brings high emotion while covering many ethnic groups including blacks and Latinos.

Kevin Jackson, an author, radio talk show host and black conservative, found Warren’s racism charge hypocritical saying, “Elizabeth Warren lied about being Native American and who knows how many jobs she’s gotten and kept with her deception. Warren knew she was no more Indian than a leprechaun, but she intentionally took advantage of a minority group.”

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