Leftist Inauguration Insanity Media Didn’t Want You to See

And you thought the mass hysteria was over? Think again.

Some of the stories below you heard. However our bet is you weren’t aware of most of these acts of terror against the new Trump administration.

Los Angeles County Supervisor Sheila Kuehl (aka Zelda from 1950s TV Dobie Gillis) has started what she has called ‘Operation Monkey Wrench.’ The group urges people, including state and federal government workers, to systematically disrupt Trump policies that run counter to California laws and policies.

I am encouraging people to engage in any way they can to slow down anything that might come from the federal departments and Congress,” she said. “You can’t just be dormant when fascism is growing.

I said, ‘If you have to lie, cheat and steal, do it’.  Take federal money and just tell them you are going to do whatever they want.”

Lying, cheating and stealing for the Democratic Party? Par for the course.

The only difference is the Democrats no longer hide their intent. Case in point, the ‘Material Granny.’

Madonna actually admitted to wanting to “blow up the White House”, to the disdain of the Secret Service:


If anyone knows anything about “blowing things…up”, its Madonna!

And how about former A-list actress Ashley Judd’s misogynistic comments about Ivanka Trump and her father:


The national media under-reported the insurrection. However social media filled the gap with on-the-scene reports and video from local media sources.

ODN-ITV watched this protestor going berserk as President Trump is sworn in.  WARNING:  This graphic video is extremely ‘entertaining’!

WJLA—ABC 7 News (Washington DC) videotaped protesters throwing water (some reports claim it was urine) on inaugural ball attendees heading into the events.


NBC-5 KING (Seattle).  Protesters burning the flag in Portland. Just like it happened when Obama was elected.

WJLA—ABC 7 News (Washington DC) videoed Protesters smashing windows at Bank of America and Starbucks in Downtown DC on Inauguration Day.  Authorities report two DC police officers have been taken to the hospital from this protest scene.


Here’s a bit of irony about this destruction of property by anti-Trumpers.

Starbucks and Bank of America were major Hillary Clinton donors during the last election.  Perhaps the snowflakes should READ the memos?

Fox News reported Trump protesters set a limo on fire amid the Inauguration Day festivities.


Sky News caught these anti-Trump protesters smashing windows in Washington on the day of his inauguration:


Pundit Paul Joseph Watson witnessed a Trump supporter put out a fire. He then calls for peace and is swiftly punched in the face by anti-Trump “protesters.”


That’s really demonstrating “peaceful protesting”.

A possible omen of things to come, anti-Trumpers were illegally blocking an intersection refusing to allow people to cross until a fed-up Trump supporter finally hits back. Ironically, the anarchists begin crying and demand the cops arrest him.  Classic!


The Olympian found this liberal burning an American flag protesting against Trump and is chased off by a couple of pro-American patriots.


So this is what they mean by ‘peaceful demonstrating’?

All of the anti-Trump people must be “so proud” of themselves.  But the mainstream media continues to refuse acknowledge most of the violence and mayhem over the weekend.  Likewise DC Police are contributing to the political spin, as observed by the ‘fake news’ website CNN:

Six police officers were injured and 217 protesters arrested Friday after a morning of peaceful protests and coordinated disruptions of Donald Trump’s inauguration ceremony gave way to ugly street clashes in downtown Washington.

 At least two DC police officers and one other person were taken to the hospital after run-ins with protesters, DC Fire Spokesman Vito Maggiolo told CNN.  Acting DC Police Chief Peter Newsham said the officers’ injuries were considered minor and not life threatening.

 “We have been pointing out all along that this is a very isolated incident, and by and large, everything is going peacefully and a lot of folks have come to the city to enjoy this historic day, not only the Capitol but walking all around the city,” he said.

Remember the Obama inauguration in 2009? The violence, the mayhem? No?

That’s because even though Republicans and conservatives were not happy about Obama winning, there were no burning cars, looting stores, disrupting events, attacking supporters.  Democrats dare speak of ‘fascism’ when their side is the only side that displays insurrection.

But not everyone is letting this atrocity rest. CBS News reported most of those arrested are going to face felony charges:

Most of the approximately 230 protesters arrested on Inauguration Day will be charged with felony rioting, federal prosecutors said.

 The U.S. Attorney’s Office said the offense is punishable by up to 10 years in prison and a fine of up to $250,000.  The office said most of those arrested will be released without having to post bail and must return to court in February.

 The protesters were armed with crowbars and threw objects at people and businesses, destroying storefronts and damaging vehicles.

 Six police officers were hurt — three of them hit in the head with flying objects, CBS affiliate WUSA reported.

No word yet if Madonna was one of those arrested.  Very soon the snowflakes are going to learn Obama is no longer in charge.


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