Fried Sauteed or Fricaseed: How Would You Like Your Susan Rice COOKED?

Fried Sauteed or Fricaseed: How Would You Like Your Susan Rice COOKED?

Where there is smoke, there is fire to cook your Rice…Susan Rice!

Susan Rice should be fricasseed. Torched. Fried. Boiled.

Yet again the bread crumbs of scandal lead back to the Obama administration. And surprise; Rice is involved again.

She used her “Get out of jail card” during Benghazi, and now it’s time somebody in the “scandal-free” Obama administration be jailed.

The Washington Examiner suggests we begin with a formal investigation.

FBI officials should investigate whether former President Barack Obama’s national security adviser broke any criminal laws by requesting the identities of Trump campaign officials caught up in foreign surveillance, according to a Republican lawmaker.

“Congress needs to get to the bottom of this and the FBI should be investigating whether any laws were broken,” Rep. Ron DeSantis, R-Fla., said Monday.

Former national security advisor Susan Rice, according to reports, “unmasked” the identities of President Trump’s associates who appeared in raw intelligence reports. Rice is already a villain in Republican circles for blaming the 2012 Benghazi terrorist attack on an anti-Islam YouTube video, so the revelation plays into GOP claims that President Trump and his team are suffering from politically-motivated leaks originating with Obama-era government officials.

We no longer have to speculate about the “unmasker,” as Rice is the culprit. What’s worse is Rice’s history of deceit in dealing with the American people.

There is but one reason Rice would do such a thing, and it’s to spy on then-candidate Trump.

Can you imagine what we would have found out had George Bush done this to Obama and his minions. It would be safe to say that Obama would never have become president, given his sketchy past.

So now what?

Already people have begun to forget the public admission of spying by Elizabeth Farkas on national TV.

Her public declaration combined with what we now know about Susan Rice has DC abuzz. The fake news media have done their job providing cover for Rice, as they claim that she acted within the constraints of the law that relaxed the rules for “unmasking.”

Nevertheless, none of those “loose” rules apply. Further, Farkas’ revelations are undoubtedly criminal.

As Maxine Waters said recently to President Trump when Michael Flynn requested immunity, “Your move!”. Indeed.


The fact that Waters would dare challenge the president proves how foolhardy she is. But this challenge demonstrates the lengths these criminals will go to promote false narratives. Even when backed into a corner, the Left feel invincible. After all, they have the media on their side, and a complicit public ready to forgive and of course forget.

The Trump administration MUST accept Waters’ challenge. They need to act and act decisively. NOW!

How much is the public willing to take, as we watch the Obama administration obstruct justice at every turn? Let’s end this. The time has passed for American citizens to do our part to help Drain the Swamp.


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