The generation gap has never been so evident. More and more of America’s youth leans liberal. And now, children feel they’ve earned the right to ridicule their parents publicly.
It wouldn’t matter if my mama was a stone cold Democrat, I would never trash her on social media. (For the record, she’s a staunch conservative.)
But that’s exactly what one teenager from Massachusetts did when Helena Duke made a video condemning her mother’s political actions.
According to Fox News:
The punched Massachusetts nurse who went viral after her teenage daughter publicly shamed her for being at a violent pro-President Trump rally has now lost her job of 15 years — and fears she’ll never get another.
Therese Duke told the Boston Herald she was innocently “looking for a place to eat” in Washington, DC, with “like-minded” Trump supporters when they were accosted by counter-protesters near the White House.
The melee on Jan. 5 — the night before rioters stormed the Capitol — saw her getting punched in the face, with her sister getting arrested for retaliating on the alleged attacker.
“I did nothing wrong,” Duke insisted to the Herald. “I was the one who was assaulted.”
She soon went viral, however, when her 18-year-old daughter, Helena Duke, mocked her as she identified her as being the woman in a video now seen more than 12 million times.
“Hi mom remember the time you told me I shouldn’t go to BLM protests bc they could get violent…this you?” her daughter asked.
Unethical Termination
I want to know what Alyssa Milano, Joy Behar, and Whoopi Goldberg would be tweeting right now if a liberal was fired for supporting #CrookedJoe? Yet, in another fine example of leftist hypocrisy, Theresa Duke is now unemployed.
Fox continues:
The nurse said that since then she has been “getting threats” and UMass Memorial Health Care confirmed online that she is “no longer a part of our organization.”
Duke said she felt “forced” to resign from her job of 15 years, although the Herald noted that in an online fundraiser she had admitted she had been “relieved from my employment pending an investigation.”
She now fears her notoriety will crush her chances of finding new work.
“Anybody can Google me,” she told the Herald. “Nobody will hire me.”
Duke defended traveling to DC to “support Donald Trump and prevent communism and socialism,” calling it “a last-ditch effort to show support because we know the vote was stolen.”
Conservativism is a Crime!
Once Democrats secured a win, they decided it was time to treat conservatism as a crime. Now, we walk around watching every word we say, in fear of being ridiculed. That’s not all the way true. Some of us say what we want anyway. But I’m not going to lie. I’ve told my kids politics would not be a good issue to discuss at school.
In fact, my son was suspended from school for his “racist” comments. Guess what he said?
“I don’t support the BLM movement because it has morphed into a violent movement.”
My son wants to see a positive movement. Something Martin Luther King, Jr. wished and worked for. But apparently, if you don’t support these leftists in their ideology, you’re atomically branded a racist. And Duke just witnessed such actions up close and personal All because her thought process isn’t liberal approved.
Back to the Dukes
[Theresa Duke] believed “no one wanted violence.”
Further, Duke stressed that none of her group were involved in the next day’s riots or storming of the Capitol.
Her daughter now feels “some guilt” at what has happened to her mom after she exposed her. However, she also feels that [her mother] “should be held accountable for her actions.”
“Her saying she did absolutely nothing wrong is appalling to me,” the daughter told the Herald.
UMass Memorial told the paper that it does not comment on personnel matters. A spokesman said, “Advocacy and/or, protest outside of work that do not violate our policies and standards of respect are not grounds for employee discipline.”
In other words, feel free to riot with the left. We won’t bully you into quitting unless you support Donald Trump.
Justice, Maybe
Surprisingly, it seems Duke’s assailant faces charges for her actions.
The woman IDed as Duke’s puncher, law enforcement officer Ashanti Smith, was arrested and charged with simple assault. She pleaded not guilty during an arraignment that same day, court records show, claiming it was self-defense.
Duke’s sister, Anne Lorenz, was arrested and charged with assaulting a law enforcement officer for allegedly punching Smith twice, according to a police report obtained by the Herald. She pleaded not guilty during an arraignment on Jan. 6, the paper said.