8 Scared Leftist Men: Ghislaine Maxwell Naming Names

For now at least 8 Leftist scumbags are grabbing their bugout bags. Because Ghislaine Maxwell is naming names.

According to this story on Yahoo,

Ghislaine Maxwell will no longer fight to keep the names of eight “John Does” a secret.

Lawyers for Virginia Giuffre, who have accused Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein of sex trafficking, have asked a judge to unseal material from an earlier civil lawsuit she filed against Maxwell.

The lawsuit was settled in 2017, but Giuffre has fought for years to have material from it unsealed. The “John Does” all appear to be people who have stepped into the litigation over the years and asserted privacy rights for parts of the sealed material.

In a letter Wednesday to Loretta Preska, the judge overseeing the case, Maxwell’s attorney Laura Menninger said Wednesday that her client will leave it to the court to decide whether the names should be unsealed.

“Each of the listed Does has counsel who have ably asserted their own respective privacy rights,” the letter, submitted by Menninger, said.

Leaving it to the courts? Well now this judge may find herself on the hot seat. Because the powerful men being extorted by Maxwell and Epstein will fight like cornered Democrats.

“I did not have sexual relations with that woman!” {finger-wagging and all}

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Like the finale of Bill Clinton, the judge in this case might reveal the existence of a metaphorical blue dress.

The article indicates that the names are foregone conclusion.

The fact that Maxwell, a longtime associate of Epstein, who was convicted of five sex-trafficking charges, is no longer opposing the unsealing does not necessarily mean that all names will be released. Preska will consider the arguments set forth by each of the anonymous “John Does,” which have been made in court filings that have not all been made public.

A review of court filings from MailOnline found that six of the “John Does” have objected to unsealing court documents that would make their identities public. One of them, John Doe 17, wishes to keep their identity secret to avoid “annoyance and embarrassment,” the media outlet reported.

Another, “John Doe 151,” said that the disclosure of his name would lead to him being “hounded” by the media, and added that he wishes to maintain a “private life,” MailOnline said.

I’m feeling an Andrew Cuomo scenario developing.

It appears that the real button-pushers have abandoned a few people who may have felt they were above the law. So soon we will know the name of these prominent John Does who managed to hide their debauchery from the world.

“Now that Maxwell’s criminal trial has come and gone, there is little reason to retain protection over the vast swaths of information about Epstein and Maxwell’s sex-trafficking operation that were originally filed under seal in this case,” said Sigrid McCawley, a Giuffre attorney, according to a letter seen by the Independent.

Who’s the most prominent name in the spotlight? It could be none other than a British royal:

The decision by Maxwell’s legal team not to fight against the potential unsealing of name took place on the same day that a federal judge denied Prince Andrew’s attempt to dismiss a lawsuit from Giuffre, who has also accused the royal of sexual assault.

But he won’t be the only surprise, as 7 other men may be having ‘come to Jesus’ meetings with their spouses, business associates, fellow board members, etc.



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