Making up falsehoods about candidates is nothing new for the Left, but in this case it’s actually HELPING the one attacked…Scott Walker!
The Daily Beast reporting a story from “Jezebel” (that shoulda’ been a red flag) that Scott Walker wanted college campus rapes NOT to be reported, was patently false and quickly eviscerated on Twitter.
20 seconds of Googling would have cleared up what was going on here, but it was apparently more important to some to rush a piping hot new Walker smear out the door before doing any due diligence.
Maybe at least this portends the desperation of the Left, with their lack of viable candidates.
From Storify:
Aw gee. That bastard Scott Walker! Who does he think he is, trying to stop colleges from reporting on students that have been sexually assaulted n’ stuff! Here’s the text of the post: