Crooked Debbie Wasserman Schultz Gone

How about this news as the on-ramp to the Democrat’s convention. Who wanted crooked Debbie Wasserman Schultz gone?

I guess the Democrats can only save ONE female rat, so the Jewish chick got the boot. Can’t scuttle the ship over yet another incompetent Liberal woman. Regardless, top Democrats wanted Wasserman Schultz gone

The Democrats had already quarantined the new virus of WikiLeaks Wasserman Schultz, when they put her on lockdown at the convention. How ’bout them optics, when the head of the DNC isn’t allowed to speak?! Wasserman-Schultz was to open and close the convention, and that’s it. No speeches.

There is so much dirt between Wasserman Schultz and crooked Hillary Clinton, a fleet of Caterpillar dump trucks couldn’t handle it all. These two wenches conspired against ALL Democrats, and particularly the Jewish socialist Bernie. They did this in an effort to elect the crime boss named Hillary Clinton to the highest office in the land.

If they Democrats were smart, they would have dumped Clinton months ago, as they certainly had enough chances. It was only a matter of time for the shoe to fall, and who knew it would rain Jimmy Choos.

Thank GOD for WikiLeaks, or America would not know the little we know now. Can you even imagine what is yet to be discovered?! It’s no wonder Wasserman Schultz stepped down.

The Florida congresswoman’s resignation came from severe pressure from top Democrats. Her resignation is a result of the release of leaked emails showing DNC staffers favoring Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders in the party’s 2016 primary contest. But there is so much more that can and will come of the leaks.

After Wasserman-Schultz made her announcement that she was leaving, pro-Sanders supporters cheering during a demonstration in Philadelphia.
In her statement, Wasserman Schultz said that she remains committed to seeing Clinton elected president. To quote Malcolm X: “By any means necessary!”
Supposedly crooked Debbie talked with Obama and Clinton before making her announcement.
“Going forward, the best way for me to accomplish those goals is to step down as Party Chair at the end of this convention…As Party Chair, this week I will open and close the Convention and I will address our delegates about the stakes involved in this election not only for Democrats, but for all Americans,”

Since when have Democrats been for “all” Americans? Democrats have their agendas, and they only care about what enriches them personally.

This news is a prelude to much worse for the Democrats. I’m convinced WikiLeaks will confirm much more of our suspicions about the Clintons and other high-ranking Democrats. This will likely become a worldwide conspiracy.
For now, Conservatives can gloat in the fall of a Democrat scoundrel. She should be in jail, and let’s hope that people who donated to the Sanders campaign sue the Democrats for fraud.


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