No wonder I never see crow in the meat department at the grocery store. Leftists eat so much of it, the stores can never keep it in stock.
In their latest meal of crow served cold, we learn that Defund the Police is but a fiction. Our story comes from the epicenter of Leftism: Berkeley, California.
The school board had been studying the possibility of removing the one uniformed, armed police officer (School Resource Officer, or SRO) from the two campuses he patrols. The anti-police sentiment birthed these actions which have been adopted by other urban schools.
Note that an SRO is not needed in most non-urban schools.
In an unusual move, the board established a committee to evaluate the matter. Parents, students, and school administrators comprised the study group. And their recently finished evaluation shocked the board.
The report recommended not only keeping the SRO on campus, but expanding his role and possibly adding another officer to help out with his duties.
As reported,
A committee made up of students, administrators, parents and other community members recommended Wednesday that the district expand the role of the SRO to include more mentorship responsibilities and consider adding additional hours to the role or a second SRO. Several committee members said they had not expected to expand the SRO’s responsibilities, but came to believe that the SRO has a positive impact at Berkeley schools.
The recommendation came as a surprise to many board members, who hoped the committee would imagine school safety without an armed police officer stationed on campus. Save Laura Babbitt, who supported the recommendations, most board members prodded the committee to further investigate alternatives to policing.
On my radio show, I say almost daily to conservatives that we are winning.
You must learn how to look at things sometimes, to see the wins. But there are many happening every day. Because Leftism is INSANE!
Look at the outcome of their policies.
Rampant crime in every major U.S. city. Clearly, the talk of defunding the police caused crime to surge geometrically almost everywhere. In Portland, some violent crimes are up exponentially, greater than 800 percent.
Police either quit responding, preferring to stay out of prison for doing their jobs. Or, police quit.
Almost all cities are struggling to find law enforcement officers. As these trends continue, expect more Leftists to get “rewoke.” By rewoke, I mean a return to sanity. A return to the way you and I think. The way most of America thinks.