Ottawa can’t seem to shut the Freedom Convoy down. So now they’re ready to play dirty.
The city made a statement to the effect that pets of convoy participants will be removed if their owners are arrested. They could be put in protective care, or taken away permanently.
First Ottawa wants to destroy man’s freedom. Now they want to take man’s best friend.
Breitbart elaborates:
“If you are unable to care for your animal as a result of enforcement actions, your animal will placed into protective care for 8 days, at your cost. After 8 days, if arrangements are not made, your animal will be considered relinquished,” Ottawa By-Law stated.
“The Animal Care and Control By-law provides for temporary ‘protective care’ by the City of animals in the event that the owner is not available, under circumstances including eviction, incarceration, or fire or medical emergency,” the account later wrote.
Some replied to the post and questioned what would happen to the animals “relinquished” from their owners, while others accused the account of attempting to bully the protestors.
Breitbart News spoke briefly to an Ottawa City employee who stated that animals taken into care under normal circumstances are managed by the Ottawa Humane Society, a non-profit animal shelter.
While other branches of the Humane Society describe themselves as “no-kill” shelters, such as the Etobicoke Humane Society, a 2015 article on the Ottawa Humane Society website, written by Executive Director Bruce Roney, notes the shelter does euthanize animals.
“As an open admission shelter, the OHS accepts all animals at any time, no matter how old, sick, injured, and no matter what their behaviour or temperament. We are always here for them. That means those that are not treatable, rehabilitatable are humanely euthanized by caring professional staff who wish that they didn’t have to,” Roney wrote.
“So, is the OHS a no-kill shelter? I don’t know. It depends on which definition you subscribe to. But you won’t catch me or anyone else here using the term. I do know this: we are a no-suffering shelter,” he added.
In addition to efforts aimed at taking away pets, Ottawa also threatened parents.
Breitbart continues:
The post from the Ottawa By-Law account comes just days after the government of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau stated that, under the Emergencies Act, protestors bringing children to the downtown Ottawa protest could face a $5,000 fine or five years in prison
The Children’s Aid Society of Ottawa also spoke out about the protests, warning parents that they should make arrangements for the care of their children if they are arrested by police.
Think about how twisted this is. BLM can protest- they can burn down buildings, smash windows, and destroy private property. And it doesn’t even matter what their protest is supposedly about. But here, these truckers are standing up for our most basic freedom.
Do not forget that this started when government tried to force the death poke upon us. And it doesn’t matter if that government is in the US, Canada, Australia, or any other corner of the earth. We have the right to decide what we put into our bodies. Especially when we’re talking about an experimental protocol for an illness that, like we’ve said a million times, is not likely to hurt you in any way, fashion or form.
However, Trudeau will continue to exaggerate the danger the truckers present as he cracks down using Canada’s Emergency Act.
Fox News weighs in:
Trudeau has backed the truckers into a corner, leading some to opine that he is courting catastrophe for political gain, though it’s hard to see that he is gaining much of anything as his opponents drown him out in Parliament while his allies sit on their hands. Maybe he is just bad at this, maybe his actions are more nefarious.
There seem to be two main options as to how this can end now. One is mass arrests and removal of the trucks. On Wednesday, Ottawa police handed out fliers promising just such a thing. The other option is that the protest eventually withers along with the COVID restrictions in Canada.
Those truly in favor of peace and safety should pray for a light touch from the government, but ominous signs portend that will not be the case. So far, there has been nothing that can truly be called an emergency in Ottawa, but Trudeau’s unprecedented Emergency Act may change that. There is still time for a calm settlement of the situation, but the clock, as they say, is ticking.