Hunter Biden lives like a man who found out he’s only got one week to live.
But he had plenty to live for, especially if you’re a Democrat. Lauren Boebert tweeted about some of where Hunter Biden spent the tax money he hid from the IRS:
Hunter Biden made $1,664,004 in “ATM cash withdrawals.”
Spent $683,212 in payments to “various women.”
And spent $188,960 on “adult entertainment.”
But ZERO on income tax.
Imagine if that was you or me.
Hunter Biden made $1,664,004 in “ATM cash withdrawals.”
Spent $683,212 in payments to “various women.”
And spent $188,960 on “adult entertainment.”
But ZERO on income tax.
Imagine if that was you or me.
— Lauren Boebert (@laurenboebert) December 8, 2023

If those were the only things Hunter Biden did, that’s plenty. But the list is huge.
- $1,664,004 in cash withdrawals
- $683,212 in prost*tutes
- $397,530 in clothing and accessories
- $309,277 in “education”
- $237,496 in health and pharmacy
- $236,634 in retail purchases
- $214,923 in food and restaurants
- $203,815 in insurance
- $191,873 in loans and mortgages
- $188,960 in p*rn / adult entertainment
- $147,566 in legal and accounting fees
- $118,440 in telephone and utilities
- $71,869 in drug and alcohol rehab
- $53,000 for bank advisors – ROTH IRA
- $58,542 in credit card payments
- $42,856 in home improvement
- $39,801 in cleaning and childcare
- $24,445 in other entertainment
- $23,567 in recreation

I can see why Hunter Biden’s attorneys consider his indictments a witch hunt.
This is a list that every red-blooded American has built at some point, right. I figured it out, and with my $500 limit on ATM withdrawals, I’d have to withdraw for over 9 years straight to take out Hunter Biden’s “petty cash” of $1.664 million.
Hunter Biden has taken more money out of ATMs than most Americans have earned in a lifetime. And this list is based on bank records for only a few years. Imagine what he’s taken since he refined his act post 2019?
Is it any wonder why the Biden crime family fought so hard to keep these records private?
You might sense some redundancies in Hunter Biden’s list. Well, there are many.
So let’s begin at the beginning. What’s with all those cash withdrawals? I’m no accountant, but that’s a pretty big petty cash amount. Also, under what category do we place those funds?
For example, I suggest that entry #2 got much of #1. And it makes sense, because if we amortize the spending, one would have to believe that Biden’s second entry represents where his heart is.
It’s well-documented that the man Joe Biden called the “best man he knows” paid a lot of money to prostitutes. Now I’m not one to moralize. The few Leftist “men” I know would fare much better by using prostitutes versus being married to the shrews they call “wives”. So I would have no judgment on these men for cavorting with prostitutes. In fact, I’d consider that a step up. But I digress.
Hunter Biden paid prostitutes almost $700,000, and that documented. But I know that prostitutes got the better part of that almost $1.7 million in petty cash. And that’s not all.
Add entries 10 (Porn and Adult Entertainment), 15 (credit card), 28 (other entertainment) and 29 (recreation) and you get quite a bit more. Roughly $618K more that can be filed under “Debauchery”.
As for “Credit Cards”, we know that Hunter Biden used those credit cards for the same reasons. And do “Other Entertainment” and “Recreation” really need an explanation?

Let’s return to the list, and pick up at #3.
I’m not sure if I would consider Hunter Biden the haberdasher, but almost $400,000 in clothing seems a bit much. Particularly when you look at hos he seemed to dress much of the time.
[insert graphic]
It wasn’t like Hunter Biden needed to impress the ladies. He either paid strippers or prostitutes, and they didn’t care what he looked like.
But let’s move on, since it’s the other entries that I find more intriguing. Like #4: Education.
What could Hunter Biden have spent in “Education”? Unless learning how to cheat and hide money in LLCs counts? He certainly didn’t learn anything about the oil and gas industry. Or any other industry where he made millions of dollars.
Frankly, I’d love to see the invoices for this education. Something tells me that if Hunter Biden provided “proof” of these expenditures, we’d get something similar to his taxes. Like the entry Hunter Biden deducted for “golf club fees” that were actually used to pay for a porn club membership.
Moving on to #5
Do you believe Hunter Biden spent $237K+ in “Health and Pharmacy”? I suspect condoms aren’t cheap, especially in the era of Bidenomics. And I will allow for more than the occasional checkups for STDs given Hunter Biden’s lifestyle. But over $237K?
But wait. Perhaps Hunter Biden did more creative accounting. So he posted what he paid in crack and other drugs in this category? Makes total sense.
I won’t evaluate each entry. I just know that most Americans would see what Hunter Biden did as reprehensible.
They noted some of the expenses, and it’s easy to see why Hunter Biden deserves all the scrutiny in which he finds himself.
Hunter Biden spent $140,000 for a 14 -night bender in Las Vegas. He spent $69,000 to fix his teeth, and $12,000 at Larry Flynt’s Hustler Club. Trust me, these individual expenses are equally shocking.
I don’t know what your vice might be or how the Devil enters your life. But if you had almost unlimited access to crooked and practically untraceable money and cover for not paying taxes, might you take it?
I know I wouldn’t. But I don’t know many Leftists who wouldn’t. I’m tired of paying for their extravagance, while taking my daily kick in the groin to play by the rules.
Now if we can only get Jeffrey Epstein’s flight logs.