Former Speaker Kevin McCarthy stepped on a political landmine

Thank God the MAGA Republicans are weeding out the RINO faction of the party. On that note, let’s all thank Congressman Matt Gaetz. He exposed Kevin McCarthy for what he really is.

Listen to McCarthy’s pep talk for Republicans.

“When you look at the Democrats, they actually look like America. When I look at my party, we look like the most restrictive country club in America.”

So much for his “Win one for the Gipper” speech. Unless you’re a Democrat.

Then perhaps you can feel proud about your diversity and intersectionality. And the policies that have turn much of America into a Third World sh*thole.

McCarthy has adopted the Left’s distorted view of America. To believe them, you must take small snapshots of the country, then racialize it or sexualize it.

Using their methodology, Ogden, Utah is way too white, ergo racist. But Atlanta, aka Chocolate City with its disproportionate number of black people is just right, Goldilocks.

Want to know where most of the problems in America occur? Big cities. Any idea of the ethnic make-up of America’s largest cities?

This list is much longer. And in just this snippet you see cities where the black population is 300 percent the population of blacks in America.

And what almost every one of those cities has in common are:

  • Democrat-run
  • High crime
  • failing schools
  • Massive incarceration of blacks
  • White flight; in the cases of Detroit and Cleveland, they have seen their populations shrinks 300 percent or more over the past few decades.

What exactly does McCarthy want Republicans to adopt? Republicans readily invite blacks to join. But they are met with things like, “The Republicans don’t do anything to invite black people in”. It’s an open invitation. No barriers. How badly must Democrats treat you before you feel it necessary to leave them?

The Democrats offer nothing to blacks or any other Americans, except pain and suffering. So for McCarthy to arm them with this soundbite says much about him.

America is not about looks; it’s about culture.

Using McCarthy’s and the Left’s barometer, what does Kenya look like?

That country is certainly restrictive to Latinos, for example. But nobody in America, Kenya, or Latin America is complaining. Only in America do we get such complaints about culture, and it’s generally about white people.

Does McCarthy has any idea what America looks like? These inside-the-beltway types know nothing about this country.

Here’s a reminder.

When President Trump attended a college football game in South Carolina recently, that highly Leftist environment gave him a raucous ovation.

The stadium was filled with college kids from all walks of life. A real microcosm of America. And they cheered for this man.

Perhaps McCarthy should take his lessons from reality. And not from Leftist talking points?


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