Leftists have revealed their revised strategy to get Trump. It’s almost as if they forgot Trump president already.
Don’t let the facts interfere with the plan launched years ago by Democrats to get Trump no matter what. Democrats showcase selective memory when they proclaim all that Trump will do if elected.
Trump has a track record. And much to the chagrin of Democrats, Trump records is Herculean in comparison to Biden’s. But yes, when there will be hell to pay. This video mashup of distraught Leftists says it all: Trump will get his revenge.
Media warn if Trump wins again every bad possible thing will happen pic.twitter.com/8u9PeFYoUV
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) December 12, 2023

Look at the litany of Leftists who chimed in. And to nobody’s surprise most of their accusations against Trump have been used or are currently being implemented by Joe Biden. Against Trump.
Red State commented on some of the fearmongering of Democrats:
You know the Democrats and the Biden team have to be tearing their hair out behind the scenes that Trump might win. So, it looks like the talking points have gone out. — it’s “Hitler Time” again! Oh, and not only is he going to destroy “democracy,” but he’s going to shoot everyone, too! This is pretty funny. Featuring people like Liz Cheney and Michael Cohen, you know to prepare for some real crazy takes. This is a festival of TDS.
Cohen claims we’re not going to be able to go to “Canada” because Trump will annex Canada. David Frum suggests that Trump could shoot the First Lady and get away with it. “We’re going to see violence the likes of which we didn’t even see on Jan. 6,” Jennifer Rubin grouses, making a face that was something else. Oh, no, he’ll make himself the Fuhrer, use martial law against the American people, terminate the Constitution, rewrite the Constitution (is that before or after he terminates it?), create mass internment camps, throw everyone into Gitmo, and send people to jail (especially minorities!).

Spoiler alert for Democrats: Trump was president and he did none of this.
“None of us is safe,” Lawrence Tribe intones. He might “assassinate generals,” Joe Scarborough says. He will order troops to attack American citizens, his base will try to kill people, and he will “burn the house down. Cheney says he would “unravel the institutions of our democracy.” This could be the end of our “democracy” say those sages, Hillary Clinton and Rob Reiner.
Al Sharpton warned that Trump could destroy the Justice Department. Further, Trump could arrest political opponents and persecute his political enemies.
Let’s hope Trump responds like this. What the Left preemptively wants to stop Trump from doing what should be done. They believe that by “warning” us that Trump could actually do his duty and punish traitors, they can prevent him from blowing up the crooked DOJ.
In another dire warning, Rachel Maddow opined that Trump would never leave the White House if he regains power.
Doom and gloom.
What did Trump accomplish as president in comparison to Biden? Do the Left really want to play this game? Because they can’t be stupid enough to think people have forgotten the Trump years.
Two dollar gasoline, almost no inflation and independence from foreign oil. Trump created a uni-directional, no miss stock market, almost always going up.
Trump practically closed the Southern border to illegals which cause a real boom for all of America, and he brought back manufacturing. Americans felt great about their prospects and being Americans.
Trump renegotiated trade deals, got North and South Korea to shake hands, and brought peace to the Middle East.
No wonder almost all special interest groups are begging for “mean tweets”. Leftists can present their arguments on Trump, claiming nobody likes him. But he will blow out the numbers in the next election and serve his second term. There is no trend that refutes this fact.
By election time, Democrats will be very damaged. And most of that damage will be self-inflicted.