How many examples does America need to see to understand the real sentiment of the country. Leftists feed Americans propaganda, and expect us to enjoy the meal. But in reality, few people buy the propaganda.
If I were to ask you about the Black vote and how many people would support Trump versus Harris, what would be your answer? Most people believe that Black support for Harris (Democrats) would be in the 80-90 percent range. And for a Republican candidate to get 20 percent is almost unheard of.
So test that theory as this man did. He rolled up on a basketball court and asked random mostly Black men who they would vote for.
‘He Gon’ Tell You What It Is’: Black Male Swing-State Voters Explain Why They Are Pulling Lever For Trump pic.twitter.com/ym6buagrVe
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) August 19, 2024
For those not keeping score, here are the results of this ad hoc poll:
- 7 Trump
- 2 Not voting
- 1 Harris
By any standard these are shocking results. And these results are not limited to this swing-state location:
Don Lemon got a big surprise in Atlantic City, NJ:
NEW: Don Lemon interviews people in Atlantic City, NJ and is shocked to find out most people are supporting Trump.
Multiple people mentioned how they felt more financially stable under Trump.
“Four years ago it was a lot better. I made a lot more money than I do now.”
Lemon… pic.twitter.com/u1eYFkoHYE
— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) August 17, 2024
- 1 unknown
- 6 Trump
- 0 Harris
A few people noted Lemon’s bias. Instead of asking a question and accepting an answer, Lemon provides his personal opinion.
Guy: “I personally felt much more financially stable under Trump.”
Lemon: “That’s actually not true.”
As on commenter on the video asks, “How do you fact-check someone’s own personal story?”
I’ve seen quite a few of these man on the street interviews, and I have yet to see one where Harris comes close to winning. Certainly the boardwalk of Atlantic City perhaps isn’t Harris’ best demographic, but New Jersey is supposedly a blue state. And it’s not like Trump is mainstream in Atlantic City.
Digging into the issues.
Go back to the videos showcased and you notice one thing. People can tell you why they support Trump. I particularly like the one brother who said,
I think he (sic) a smart businessman, you know. Though some want to call him a (sic) a-hole, I think he (sic) an excellent a-hole”.
There it is. My argument with people all the time who say Trump needs to change. The worst thing Trump could do is change. He can evolve; perhaps temper his language a bit. But not if it costs him his authenticity.
America needs an a-hole president who actually loves the country and the citizens, repeat citizens therein.
But Trump’s personality aside, people who support Trump talk about the economic hardships under Biden. They talk about Trump’s ability to manage the economy, and other real issues.
The Black Vote
How do these interviews jibe with the pollsters?
According to a Fox News poll, Trump receives over 20 percent of the black vote in a six-way race against Harris, independent presidential candidates Cornel West and Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Green Party candidate Dr. Jill Stein and Libertarian candidate Chase Oliver. However, in just a two-way race, Trump’s number goes to 26 percent.
The numbers are similar to a June Fox News poll of the matchup between Trump and Biden. Regardless, I don’t believe the polls. I have stated for the record that I believe Trump will get around 30 percent of the Black vote.