Donald Trump keeps coming up with new evolutions in representing the American taxpayer. And his actions vex the Leftist cabal doing everything possible to keep him from serving his rightful second term.
Consider Trump’s first of three economic proposals that reached deep into the psyche of the American worker:
No tax on tips
Even those of us who don’t earn tips or rely on tips considered the measure good for America. After all, this measure would help those among us who need it the most. Imagine having a job where you rely mostly on the good nature of others. On such a job, time off means little to no pay.
To consider not taxing tips means that Trump put himself into the mindset of the least among us. That’s a “Jesus” move. And it didn’t go unrecognized by the Left. So much so that Kamala Harris tried to steal it.
Harris’ theft was seen, and she’s been forced to return the merchandise. Still Trump moved on.
No tax on overtime
His next bold move to protect the America worker was to propose no tax on overtime. I wrote about this back-breaking move to the Harris-Walz fiasco:
Each opportunity Trump gets in front of the camera he lays out more of his agenda. And this latest move is pure genius.
WOW! President Trump announces a new plan to eliminate all taxes on overtime pay.
“The people who work overtime are among the hardest working citizens in our country — When you pass 40 hours a week, your overtime hours will be tax free.” pic.twitter.com/Z9MsKErOcN
— Dinesh D’Souza (@DineshDSouza) September 13, 2024
What a novel concept in so many ways. Innovative in ways that should have Democrats shaking in their baby seal leather boots.
First, yet again Trump address people who represent those who need the money. People who work overtime sacrifice time for themselves, aka quality of life. Further, they sacrifice time with family and friends. But they represent many times the people who have a “get it done” attitude. They take one for the team.
What a signal to the cabal that Trump sent. You can have your cut of regular wages, but you deserve none of their extra toil.
Again, though this initiative doesn’t impact salaried people or many entrepreneurs it showed that Trump recognizes the pain of the working man.
For those watching, this is Trump exercising business acumen, bringing business expertise to the political mainstream. What an innovator. Trump knows how to generate earned media, but not media for media’s sake.
Trump is so good at generating earned media, I remember when Van Jones referred to his 2016 campaign as a “reality show”. He meant it as a compliment.
Watching Trump does have that reality show feel, except unlike the reality shows we’ve come to know, nothing is staged about Trump. Trump is who he is. Thus, he shoots from the hip and doesn’t worry about the outcomes. As I’ve explained, that quality is why people will vote for him in massive numbers, and he will be re-elected.
But businessman and entertainer aside, Trump has become a master campaigner.
He times the media cycles as good as anybody. And he manages to find the pulse of the nation at the exact right time.
Trump’s new policies that help the American worker haven’t gone unnoticed by the unions. And while they haven’t officially backed Trump at the management level, rank and file members of most unions have shown overwhelming support of Trump.
Wow. The day after the Teamsters released their survey results showing 60% support among their members for Trump, a Steamfitters Union member announces that 70% of his members support Trump.
Trump has UNPRECEDENTED support with blue collar workers.pic.twitter.com/aHqteibKgo
— johnny maga (@_johnnymaga) September 19, 2024
And now for Trump’s third economic policy to help the common man: cap on interest rates.
While I don’t like government manipulating corporate America, I do understand this move. Credit card interest rates are arbitrary, versus trying to limit profitability on people who provide real products or services.
Limiting profitability on credit card interest temporarily would help people struggling with crippling credit card debt. Biden-Harris saddled Americans with this debt, as they fostered untenable inflation.
So not only is this a good idea, but it’s a great political move against Harris-Walz.
Touché again to Trump for making an outstanding political move that will actually help people.