Peaceful Transition: Undermine, Disrupt, Repeat

Democrats love promising a “peaceful transition of power,” but history — and their actions — tell a different story.

When Obama handed the reins to Trump, he made a big show of professionalism while his DOJ quietly sharpened its knives. Four years of investigations, conspiracies, and obstruction later, the Democrats finally ousted Trump using their COVID-19 coup, complete with ballot-stuffing, midnight counting, and media complicity. But their victory was short-lived, leaving Biden with the unenviable task of ushering in yet another “peaceful transition” — this time back to Trump.

Biden’s Legacy of Chaos

Let’s take stock of what Joe Biden is leaving behind. Start with Bidenflation:

  • $36 trillion in federal debt, up $13 trillion since 2020.
  • Interest rates that discourage investment, particularly for small businesses. Families struggling to stretch their dollars farther than a triathlete on a treadmill.
  • Instead of financing our recent $1.8 trillion federal budget deficit by issuing 10- and 30-year bonds, Janet Yellen has instead loaded up on two-year Treasury bills in a what has been described as “a nakedly political effort to avoid a massive jump in mortgage rates. Mortgage rates created by Bidenflation, need I remind you.

Aristotle wrote about “moderation in all things,” but he didn’t anticipate Joe Biden or Leftism. Biden’s economic policies aren’t just unmoderated; they’re unhinged.

The Strategic Petroleum Reserve is drained to critical levels, energy prices are volatile, and Biden’s administration seems to think solar panels is the answer.

And what of the military? It’s in shambles. Recruitment numbers are dismally low, matched by our stockpile of weapons. We can thank Biden for his proxy war in Ukraine and his failure to manage the Middle East, where Iran and its proxies, including a resurgent Al Qaeda that recently took control of Syria, flex their muscles. In short, the world is a much more dangerous place under Joe Biden.

And then there’s the Department of Justice, which under Biden and Obama transformed from an institution of law to a political cudgel. Public trust in the DOJ is at an all-time low, but Biden isn’t addressing the problem — he’s doubling down, reportedly planning to pardon key players in his administration to shield them from accountability.

The Irony of Democrat Spending

If Biden’s administration were a business, it would be Enron. Trillions of dollars are unaccounted for across multiple agencies. The CHIPS Act and Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) were boondoggles, diverting taxpayer money to pet projects that failed to deliver. Even Biden admitted the IRA was less about reducing inflation and more about funding the global climate agenda. John Podesta, the man controlling $375 billion from the IRA, might as well be handing out blank checks at a lobbyist convention.

Let’s not forget Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, who burned $7.5 billion on eight electric vehicle charging stations. That’s a cost-per-station that would make Elon Musk burst out laughing — or crying. And Kamala Harris, armed with $42 billion for rural internet, has accomplished as much as she did at the border: absolutely nothing.

Funding the Resistance?

A recent exposé from Project Veritas revealed EPA adviser Brent Efron bragging about funneling money to tribes, nonprofits, and states as quickly as possible before Trump’s team could intervene.

“It feels like we’re on the Titanic and throwing gold bars off the edge,” he said.

For once, the metaphor fits: Democrats are sinking, but they’re determined to take everyone else down with them.

“We gave them the money because it was harder if it was a government-run program, they could take the money away, if Trump won.”, Efron exclaims.

Even Elon Musk weighed in, calling the video proof that “the U.S. government is actively working to undermine the American people.”

Trump’s Transition Team: From Chaos to Competence

Trump has made it clear that his second term will prioritize results over rhetoric. His administration will cut through the debris of Biden’s failures with laser focus, appointing experts — not diversity freaks — to tackle America’s most urgent problems.

  • Energy independence will be restored.
  • Government employees will be expected to actually show up to work as President Trump dismantles Biden’s attempt to prevent 42,000 workers at the Social Security Administration from having to return to the office.
  • Wasteful spending on unproductive programs will be slashed.

Gone will be the carnival of incompetence that defined the Biden administration. Trump’s team will hit the ground running, undoing four years of damage in record time.

Peaceful Transition This!

Aristotle said, “The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal.” The Biden administration proved to be a masterclass in hypocrisy and self-destruction. And their transition has been no different.

Despite inheriting the worst administration in history, Trump’s first 100 days will be epic. And the transformation of America back to greatness will begin on Day One. A short of adrenalin is about to hit America, and it will last 4 years, challenging the boom of the Clinton years.

If Trump performs as I predict (and he will), Democrats will be hard-pressed to win major elections for the next decade at least.

In short, Trump doesn’t care about the so-called “peaceful transition”. He has a man on his team who can replace NASA. And he appointed others who are equally talented in their own ways. Gone are the DEI appointments, and freak show of the Biden administration. This transition team knows it’s at war with Biden. And like the election, this too will be an easy victory.

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