Leftism has been flaunting herself for decades, twerking on Ellis Island in an attempt to mock the Statue of Liberty. But America is finally seeing leftism for what it is.
I speak for many Americans when I say that I want to be part of the destruction of leftism this year. We voted for it last year, after witnessing almost two decades of the most insane leftist policies in American history.
Some of the policies are so blatantly evil, conservatives must take blame for allowing things to get this way. Abortion is a given, but I won’t bother to plant my flag here. I will plant a flag on pedophilia. Because over the past two decades, I’ve seen how leftist incrementalism has practically made pedophilia normal.
Let’s be clear: this didn’t happen overnight. Leftism, with all its moral relativism and virtue signaling, has always thrived on small erosions of decency. The outrage that should have greeted some of these changes was dulled by media propaganda, tech censorship, and the careful rebranding of predators as “misunderstood.” Step by step, line by line, the Overton Window was dragged down to the point where deviancy parades itself as liberation. Drag queen story hours for kindergartners are now presented as “educational” and “inclusive.” Let that sink in. What used to elicit universal condemnation is now heralded as progress. Meanwhile, parents who object are labeled as “bigots” and “domestic terrorists.”
We have been programmed to fear stating the obvious.
Because doing so has a price tag. Jobs lost. Reputations ruined. Friendships obliterated. The cost of honesty in the Leftist utopia is high—too high for many to bear. But no civilization survives when its people are too scared to defend the innocent.
At the presidential level, these freak shows of moral decay are on full display. Biden pardoning his son in an obvious coverup for their family’s crimes is just one of the many grotesque spectacles we’ve witnessed. The Bidens have used America as their personal ATM, yet no one went to prison. Lives were ruined, careers ended, but the family walked away unscathed—thanks to an army of media operatives and political sycophants willing to protect them at all costs.
And let’s not forget: these same people spent years telling you that your outrage was misplaced. They gaslit you into believing the evidence was circumstantial, the emails were “Russian disinformation,” and the mountains of proof were figments of your overactive imagination. Yet here we are, watching the Left scramble to rewrite history as their narratives crumble under the weight of truth.
But the biggest outrage is that they covered for his mental illness.
Let’s not mince words: the man was unfit for office from the start. His gaffes were legendary, his confusion palpable. Biden’s inability to string together coherent thoughts was obvious to anyone paying attention. Yet the Left propped him up like a ventriloquist’s dummy, moving his mouth while their policies gutted the nation. They carried him—and us—to the very brink. Why? Because they could. Because power, once seized, is rarely relinquished without a fight.
Put another way, conservatives couldn’t even manage to remove a man with Biden’s character. Policies have consequences, and so does inaction. The Left knows this. It’s why they never stop pushing, never stop fighting, never stop attacking every institution they infiltrate. They understand that small, incremental victories add up to massive cultural shifts. Conservatives, on the other hand, have been far too content to play defense, to wait until the damage is done before attempting to repair it.
Well, not anymore. America spoke loudly in 2024. We’re done playing by the Left’s rules.
We’re done allowing them to dictate the terms of every debate, to shame us into silence, to redefine reality itself. We fought hard to elect Trump and regain some semblance of sanity, but the battles ahead will require more than just political victories. They’ll require a cultural reawakening, a collective rejection of the moral rot that leftism represents.
The question isn’t whether we can win—it’s whether we have the resolve to stay in the fight. Leftism thrives on apathy and acquiescence. It’s a parasite, feeding off the complacency of those who should know better. But as more Americans wake up to the lies, the propaganda, and the sheer insanity of leftist policies, the tide is turning.
In Part II, we’ll dive into one of the most glaring examples of leftist lunacy: California. From its infernos to its electric cars, the state has become a dystopian laboratory for the Left’s worst ideas. And if you think the flames are limited to their forests, think again. The fire is spreading, and we’re all in the path. Be sure to check out Part II of this article.