Conservatism is intrinsically tied to Judeo-Christian values.
At its core, conservatism acknowledges the existence of something far greater than humanity—a divine order established by God. This belief not only demands humility but also informs the principles that underpin conservative ideology. While conservatism and Judeo-Christianity are often discussed separately, their overlap reveals a shared commitment to eternal truths, moral accountability, and a structured society.
Conservatism values established institutions and traditions, reflecting the Biblical call to honor authority (Hebrews 13:17). For example, MAGA supporters uphold the U.S. Constitution as a guiding framework for governance. We recognize its roots in Judeo-Christian ethics, respecting the wisdom of the Founding Fathers who created a system of checks and balances. Trump’s “Make America Great Again” slogan resonates with the call to restore respect for foundational principles, such as the rule of law and national sovereignty. This respect for tradition challenges the Left’s push for radical change that often dismisses the hard-earned lessons of history.
The Bible teaches that individuals are accountable for their actions (Galatians 6:7-8). Conservatism mirrors this principle by promoting self-reliance and hard work. Trump’s presidency often highlighted the entrepreneurial spirit—encouraging Americans to take ownership of their lives through tax reforms and deregulation that empowered small businesses. MAGA supporters, many of whom are hardworking Americans, understand the importance of creating opportunities instead of relying on government handouts. This contrasts sharply with Leftist policies that prioritize government dependency over personal initiative.
Both conservatism and Christianity acknowledge humanity’s fallen nature.
MAGA supporters understood that Trump was not perfect—and he never claimed to be. He freely admitted his past mistakes, such as his divorces and bankruptcies, and made no apologies to man for them, knowing that the ultimate judge of his life would be God. This humility endeared him to millions, as we saw a leader who was unapologetically human, yet deeply committed to his vision for the country. The Left’s obsession with moral imperfection in conservative leaders only showcases their hypocrisies, as they quickly dismiss their own shortcomings while magnifying those of others.
Look at Conservatism’s pro-life stance. It aligns with the Biblical view that life is sacred (Psalm 139:13-16). Trump’s administration made historic strides in protecting the unborn, from appointing pro-life justices to supporting legislation that defunded Planned Parenthood. MAGA supporters’ unwavering commitment to the pro-life cause reflects our belief in the sanctity of life, standing in stark contrast to the Left’s advocacy for unrestricted abortion up to the moment of birth. The Left’s position on this issue reveals their broader disregard for the intrinsic value of life, undermining the moral fabric of society. The left’s lack of care for human life is reflected in more than their abortion policies and can easily be seen in Defund the Police. Moreover, who lets hardened criminals back on the street, (a policy the Left practices routinely)?
Also, Conservatives reject moral relativism. We adhere instead to universal truths rooted in Scripture (Isaiah 5:20). MAGA supporters are often labeled as “rigid” for our unwavering belief in right and wrong, but this steadfastness is what grounds our values. Trump’s policies—from religious freedom protections to defending the Second Amendment—demonstrate a commitment to these moral absolutes. In contrast, Leftist ideologies promote a fluid morality, where principles shift to suit political convenience. This moral inconsistency creates confusion and instability, eroding trust in leadership.
The Higher Power
One of the central tenets of conservatism is the recognition of humanity’s limitations. No matter how advanced we become, we will never surpass the knowledge, wisdom, or power of God. Consider the rapid advancements in artificial intelligence, as highlighted by Elon Musk’s warnings about AI surpassing human control. Even with such technological marvels, we remain finite beings. This humbling realization aligns with the Biblical perspective that human knowledge and understanding are limited compared to God’s infinite wisdom (Isaiah 55:8-9).
The Universal Struggle: Learning from Authority
Everyone has experienced moments of being certain, only to discover they were wrong. This humbling reality mirrors the dynamic between humanity and God. Just as children rebel against their parents only to later appreciate their wisdom, we often resist divine authority. Yet, the Bible emphasizes the importance of learning from those in positions of rightful authority—parents, leaders, and ultimately God Himself (Ephesians 6:1-3).
This principle extends to conservatism’s respect for established traditions and structures. Conservatives understand that societal frameworks, while imperfect, are essential for order and progress. These structures, rooted in Biblical principles, reflect humanity’s need for guidance and accountability. Proverbs 22:28 warns against removing ancient landmarks set by our forefathers, a metaphor for preserving foundational truths and principles. Consider the Left’s destruction of the many statues of men who built the country, and you understand their motives.
The Fight for Existence and the Battle Between Good and Evil
Most of the people who follow my work have no reason to put their necks on the line. Yet many do. Life for most of us would certainly be easier if we took a more laissez-faire attitude towards politics. What is our purpose for being here?
Humanity’s innate drive to survive and thrive raises profound questions about purpose. Why do we fight so hard to exist, even under dire circumstances? The answer lies in our divine creation and the intrinsic value God places on life. God made you understand your importance, and more so when the chips are down. This understanding fuels conservatism’s emphasis on protecting life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness—principles enshrined in the Declaration of Independence.
However, this struggle is not without opposition. The battle lines between good and evil are visible in today’s cultural and political landscape. While conservatives advocate for moral clarity and accountability, leftist ideologies often blur these lines, promoting relativism and moral ambiguity. This dichotomy reflects the broader spiritual battle described in Ephesians 6:12:
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world.”
Conservatism and Christianity: A Shared Foundation
Conservatism and Christianity share a common foundation: both seek to uphold eternal truths and moral principles. America’s Founding Fathers, influenced by Judeo-Christian values, built the nation on these principles. The Declaration of Independence’s assertion that all men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights reflects this belief.
Clearly, religion, by nature is conservative. Whether the Bible, Torah, or Quran; religious texts establish rules and moral guidelines for living a righteous life. These rules are inherently conservative, emphasizing discipline, responsibility, and reverence for higher authority. For example, the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:1-17) provide a moral framework that aligns with conservative values such as honoring one’s parents, valuing life, and rejecting falsehood. If the destruction of the family by the Left comes to mind, then you are on the right track.
The Misuse of “Separation of Church and State”
The Left wants to derail us. The phrase “separation of church and state” has been weaponized to sideline Christians from public discourse. Yet, this concept was intended to prevent government interference in religious practice, not to eliminate religion’s influence on governance. Leftists exploit this misconception to marginalize conservative voices, while selectively invoking God when politically expedient. This hypocrisy underscores the need for conservatives to remain engaged in political discussions, guided by Biblical principles.
The Fake Religion of the Left
Democrats often claim to believe in a higher power, but their actions reveal a stark contradiction. They invoke God’s name when it suits their political agenda, yet their policies and rhetoric consistently undermine the very principles of faith. For instance, Democratic politicians have openly supported late-term abortion—a practice that directly contradicts the sanctity of life espoused in the Bible (Psalm 139:13-16). They champion movements that celebrate moral relativism, dismissing absolute truths in favor of subjective feelings.
Consider the hypocrisy of prominent Democratic leaders who publicly declare their faith while promoting policies that erode religious freedoms. Their support for censorship of religious expressions in public spaces, such as banning prayer in schools or removing religious symbols from public institutions, highlights their selective application of faith. It’s a superficial allegiance designed to win votes and a complete obfuscation of genuine commitment to divine principles.
Leftism: A Political Ideology Without a Moral Compass
Unlike conservatism, which is rooted in Biblical principles, leftism has no foundation in religion. At its core, leftism is a man-made ideology that rejects the divine order in favor of human-centric philosophies. It promotes the idea that morality is subjective and adaptable, leading to a culture where truth becomes relative, and accountability is optional.
This explains the Left’s obsession with the trans community. They have mainstreamed this discussion and promote what I can only imagine is the most debase parts of trans culture. The Left promotes people with a mental disorder, because that culture destroys the concept of family.
I hasten to add that I’m not removing the trans community from the idea of family. These days most of us are one to two degrees of separation from somebody trans in our own families. But in terms of the normal family dynamic, trans is an abstract concept. Instead of helping the trans community, the Left actually mock it. This absence of a moral compass is evident in the Left’s approach to governance. Policies that prioritize government dependency and debauchery over individual responsibility. Examples are expansive welfare programs and high taxation, which contradict the Biblical principle of stewardship (Matthew 25:14-30). Leftists’ disdain for traditional family structures underscores their rejection of Biblical values, as strong families are foundational to societal stability (Genesis 2:24).
Exposing the Left’s Hypocrisy
The Left’s duplicity is perhaps most evident in their treatment of scandals. When conservative figures are accused of wrongdoing, the left demands immediate accountability, often with little evidence. Yet, when their own leaders are implicated, they employ a double standard. Consider the Epstein scandal: despite overwhelming evidence implicating numerous Democrats, the media and political establishment have largely ignored the issue. Contrast this with the relentless scrutiny faced by conservatives for far less egregious allegations. And the Epstein saga pales in comparison to the Biden family crimes, which have almost been totally ignored.
Hollywood, a bastion of leftist ideology, is another glaring example of moral hypocrisy. The entertainment industry’s “Me Too” movement exposed a culture of exploitation and abuse, much of it perpetrated by Left-leaning figures. Yet, these revelations have done little to prompt a cultural reckoning within their ranks. Instead, the Left continues to preach moral superiority while turning a blind eye to the corruption in their own institutions.
The Role of Government: Divine or Corrupt?
Government, at its best, should reflect divine principles. Romans 13:1-4 describes authorities as God’s servants, instituted to promote good and restrain evil. Yet, when government abandons these principles, it becomes corrupt, serving self-interest rather than the common good. Conservatives understand that unchecked power leads to tyranny, which is why we advocate for limited government and individual accountability.
For conservatives, the search for truth mirrors the search for God. This pursuit demands integrity, humility, and courage—qualities essential for effective governance. As John Adams famously stated,
“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
Without a moral foundation, democracy devolves into chaos. For those who wonder why Democrats run from truth like vampires from the light, this is your answer.
The Path Forward
Conservatives face a critical mission: to preserve and promote the values that have sustained civilizations for millennia. This mission is not merely political but profoundly spiritual. By upholding Biblical principles, conservatives contribute to a society rooted in truth, justice, and moral clarity.
As America stands at a crossroads, the need for conservative leadership grounded in Judeo-Christian values has never been greater. It is through this lens that we must navigate the challenges ahead, remembering that our ultimate allegiance is not to man-made institutions but to God. By embracing this responsibility, conservatives can fulfill their role in the Gospel of conservatism and ensure a brighter future for generations to come.
It is for this reason we rejected the Biden government. Smart conservatives must speak our truth with reckless abandon. Because our silence speaks volumes- a lesson many of us learned the hard way.