The Real Tragedy of the Military Sex Scandals

CarrierJetBy Spike72AFA USAF Maj Gen (Ret)

If you turn on the TV, or open a paper, you will be exposed to an ongoing and growing scandal centered on sexual harrassment in the military.

The current scandal began with the revelation that some non-commissioned officers at Lackland AFB were taking sexual advantage of the trainees under their responsibility. Current estimates is that around 26,000 cases of sexual assault occur every year within the uniformed services.

This is a serious problem which requires serious consideration. As a career AF officer, I see this as an existential crisis for our military, but not necessarily the same problem that the press and our elected officials see.

Since the 1970’s, our military members have all been volunteers.  They have all signed on and arrive at basic training as a typical young American instilled with the values and behaviors learned over a lifetime. Basic Military Training is designed to accomplish several specific goals according to a prescribed curriculum. It teaches physical and mental skills which are necessary to do the job.

Read full story at Right Voice Media.

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