The Ultimate Prepper House!

In a time when uncertainty reigns and government intrusion is frightening, more and more Americans are going the prepper route: ready for any eventuality.

What IS a prepper?

A Prepper is a person who takes Personal Responsibility and Self Reliance seriously.  Preparedness is an important part of life for a serious Prepper.

A Prepper is a person who earnestly believes that no challenge is insurmountable with the proper dedication, determination and focus.

Indeed, the economic stability of their country is of a huge concern to Preppers because of what it would mean for, not just themselves, but the rest of the country if a severe economic crisis were to occur.

Many of my friends are preppers to greater or lesser degrees, meaning they are wisely prepared for various scenarios that would make ordinary purchase of food and supplies difficult or impossible. Also meaning that they are prepared with not only basic supplies for survival, but also weapons and ammo for protection.

Take a look at the ultimate prepper house. In fact, at first glance it doesn’t look like a house, but rather a bomb shelter or NORAD annex!

But keep looking…each photo will surprise you!

Here is the full bunker look, perhaps even indiscernible by satellite cameras…a geometric, impenetrable fortress of stone.



This is a family who is prepared and protected with their virtually indestructible home!


 It’s almost hard to even fathom this is a home…


Here is the sudden reveal: metal doors and shutters opening…


It’s beginning to look like an actual home, complete with a kitty.


Voilà! Let there be light in the dwelling!


An unbelievable transformation from fortress America to Home Sweet Home! Just what every prepper needs!

Well, that and about 20,000 rounds of dry ammo: Patriots are always thinking!


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