Why not pay double to the Fed

When people raise the price on a good or service, it’s generally incremental. But not the Fed.

Our government just rips off the band aid; and that’s what they are proposing to do on fees to enter Yellowstone and Grand Teton national parks in northwest Wyoming, as costs will double.

This is coming on the heels of having already raised the fees prior, as this video points out:


The town of Jackson, fishing guides and wildlife safari companies are among those speaking out against a plan that calls for increasing entrance fees for the two neighboring parks.

Under the National Park Service plan, a 7-day pass good for both Yellowstone and Grand Teton national parks would increase from $25 to $50. An annual $50 pass good for both parks would be discontinued in favor of each park having its own $60 annual pass, i.e. MORE than double.

Town leaders formally opposed the plan in a comment letter.

“The South Gate of Yellowstone and Moran gate of Grand Teton are separated by only 28 miles on Highway 89/191/287,” the letter says. “It makes no sense for visitors to have to pay separate entrance fees at both parks.”

“We’re pricing people out of our public lands, our national heritage,” Jackson Town Councilor Jim Stanford told the Jackson Hole News & Guide (http://bit.ly/1vRF8KY). “Public lands are not supposed to be managed like a business.”

The people who supposedly care so much about the poor are essentially keeping them off public lands, just like toll roads technically discriminate against the poor.

I’m not fighting necessarily for the poor, since America coddles its poor too much already. But what I am bringing to light is the government’s incessant need to feed. We spend a fortune in taxes taking care of roads, bridges, and national parks, and the government is constantly double-dipping. It’s time the Fed reined in spending controls, and stop penalizing the people for its recklessness.

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