It’s pretty simple to see how Conservatives lose the culture battle. We appear to do nothing, not even willing to stand up to cancer.
Sept 9 is stand up to cancer day. I know this, because while I was watching TV I saw the previews.
The previews were stocked full of Hollyweirdos and other entertainers. Most of them are avowed non-openly-gun toting liberals, easily and readily recognizable. Some are even blatant racist, for example Samuel L. Jackson.
But what was obviously missing was anything or anybody resembling Conservatives or conservatism. For all intents and purposes, the only people fighting cancer are Liberals.
Children watching this show will see beautiful people, blinged and glitzed out, standing up for cancer. They will later learn that all these people are Liberals.
The people donating to actually fund cancer will be the “behind-the-scenes” conservatives who donate.
This “gala” will come off as another awards show, as Liberals recognize one another. For all we know, the closest scientist to curing cancer is the son of David Duke. Curing cancer won’t be about the scientists, it will be about Liberalism.
Liberalism and YOUR money is the cure for everything, in case you weren’t aware of it.
Sadly, Lance Armstrong used to be the face of curing cancer. We all know the tragic end to his story. When one liar goes down, another must step in to profit off misery. Next to race-pimping, disease-pimping can provide some good money. Nobody will argue with somebody who is trying to help cure cancer.
How else could a guy who took steroids and gave himself testicular cancer become successful. He overcomes cancer, then usurps cancer as his cause. So what he fought the disease he gave himself trying to get an edge over all the other competitors?!
That’s how Liberals roll.
I’m not sure what Conservatives can do to make sure we are in the game. But what I do know is we do more to fight diseases than Liberals ever could. We need to stop them from stealing everything from us.