Latest Obama Distinction EMBARRASSES Democrats

Latest Obama Distinction EMBARRASSES Democrats

Leftists’ black Superman is way overrated.

As Obama failed America in every way possible he continues his lavish living at our expense.

According to a new Congressional Research Service memo looking at the official allowances for the five living former chief executives, Obama costs the most. The former failed Chief Executive of the United States plans to run up an $1,153,000 expense account next year.

The memo states:

“Obama’s $1,153,000 budget request is $100,000 more than that of predecessor George W. Bush and $200,000 more than Bill Clinton. 

The biggest cost generally ends up being the office space; Obama’s 8,198 square foot office in Washington will cost taxpayers $536,000 next year, more than any other ex-president. Clinton’s New York City office is bigger at 8,300 square feet but slightly cheaper at $518,000. The younger Bush’s office in Dallas is $497,000, while his father’s space in Houston is $286,000. Mr. Carter’s Atlanta office is just $115,000.”

The road to the high life.

Remember when the champion of the poor vetoed a bill limiting president pensions? We knew his motives, but now the numbers show what we already knew.

Two years ago, Obama used veto #12 to kill a bill limiting presidential pensions. The bill capped pensions and allowable expenses. Given Obama’s supposed support of the “working man,” lawmakers were shocked when Obama shot the bill down.

As USA Today previously reported:

“The Obama hypocrisy on this issue is revealing,” said Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee and sponsor of the 2016 bill. “His veto was very self-serving.”

“Chaffetz and Sen. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, the sponsor of the companion Senate bill, say they will re-introduce the Presidential Allowance Modernization Act this month. The bill would cap presidential pensions at $200,000, with another $200,000 for expenses. But those payments would be reduced dollar-for-dollar once their outside income exceeds $400,000.”

And now we learn that Obama’s pension will also be the highest, at $236,000. Mr. Clinton is second with $231,000, followed by the younger Mr. Bush at $225,000, according to the Congressional Research Service memo.

The Obamas clearly aren’t relying on a government pension to fund their D.C mansions and lavish living.

According to the Financial Times, both Barack and Michelle signed a book deal worth $65 million. Add that to their Clinton-like speaking fees, and their nest egg is pretty secure. Undoubtedly, Obama can fund his Hollywood lifestyle without a meager government pension of ONE SPEAKING FEE.

In case you’re curious as to his biggest speaking fee yet? A whopping $3,000,000.

The speech was given while vacationing at a 14th-century villa in Tuscany for 15,000 per night. How’s that for half-white privilege.

Here is what we wrote about the speech at the time:


 Obama talks about himself 216 times during $3 MILLION Italy speech in the course of 100 minutes.

If the organizers of the Global Food Innovation Summit paid Barack Obama a reported $3,000,000 to talk about himself, then they definitely got their money’s worth.

 Obama said “I” 168 times, “me” or “my” 40 times, and “we,” “us” or “our” referring to his family 8 times.

 Obama said he is working to build “an effective network of global activists.”

“The greatest thing I think I can give is to make sure that somebody who is 20 years old, 21, 25, who are ready to make their mark on the world that I can help them so that they can take it to the next level.”

That’s some serious capitalism.

I’m not mad that Obama is cashing in on his time as president. Amen for him getting his paper. What makes me mad is the hypocrisy behind his every move as president and after.

Obama’s presidency was the biggest shame America has ever seen. He racked up our debt more then any other president in history. As he claimed to help the poor, the only people who profited from his polices were the top 1% leaving more American’s in poverty and on welfare. That is what is infuriating about Obama’s way of living.

So while we are left picking up the pieces of a high deficit and broken economy, Obama wants us to fund even MORE of his newly rock star lifestyle.

Talk about being a fraud.

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