NO ACCIDENT: FBI Knows Bill Clinton SET UP Meeting with Lynch

NO ACCIDENT: FBI Knows Bill Clinton SET UP Meeting with Lynch

Now a real investigation begins as we learn that Bill Clinton ambushed then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch.

They say that Lynch “sweated” when Bill Clinton entered her airplane. She certainly had reason.

Because aside from the potential for sexual assault, Bill Clinton was there for answers. And to pedal a bit of former-president influence.

Now the question is, “How did Bill Clinton know how to find Lynch?”

There was an obvious intelligence breach within the FBI who alerted Bill Clinton to stalk Lynch and thus set up the infamous tarmac meeting.

Sources say Lynch was taken aback and reportedly physically shaken by Clinton’s seemingly impromptu visit at Phoenix Sky Harbor airport tarmac on June 27, 2016, just one week before a scheduled FBI interrogation of his wife Hillary Clinton.

The Clinton narrative of the meeting has been that Bill Clinton and Lynch met by happenstance, as their jets landed. Clinton claimed he was in Phoenix on a scheduled stop to meet with Latino leaders to stump for his wife. However, federal law enforcement sources believe Bill Clinton’s jet was chartered from Teterboro Airport in northern New Jersey the morning of the infamous tarmac sit down. That information clearly contradicts the many and varied narratives offered by the Clintons to date.


As the New York Post reports,

In his new book, “Guilty As Sin” (Regnery), out Tuesday, Edward Klein claims officials in the Obama administration decided before the first witness was interviewed that Hillary Clinton would not face prosecution over the handling of classified email. An excerpt:

Bill Clinton’s private jet was cleared for takeoff and was taxiing toward the active runway at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport when a Secret Service agent informed him that Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s plane was coming in for a landing.

“Don’t take off!” Bill barked.

As his plane skidded to a halt and then headed back to its parking space, Bill grabbed a phone and called an old friend — one of his most trusted legal advisers.

“Bill said, ‘I want to bushwhack Loretta,’ ” the adviser recalled. “ ‘I’m going to board her plane. What do you think?’ And I said, ‘There’s no downside for you, but she’s going to take a pounding if she’s crazy enough to let you on her plane.’

Thus according to Ed Klein, Clinton had every intention of bushwhacking Lynch.

The article continues,

It was June 27, 2016 — one year into the FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton’s emails.

“He knew it would be a huge embarrassment to Loretta when people found out that she had talked to the husband of a woman — the presumptive nominee of the Democratic Party — who was under criminal investigation by the FBI,” the adviser continued. “But he didn’t give a damn. He wanted to intimidate Loretta and discredit [FBI Director James] Comey’s investigation of Hillary’s emails, which was giving Hillary’s campaign agita.”

Bill hung up the phone and turned to a Secret Service agent.

“As soon as her plane lands,” he said, “get the attorney general on the phone and say the president would like to have a word with her.”

Once inside Lynch’s plane, Bill turned on the Clinton charm. He gave Lynch’s shoulder an affectionate squeeze and shook hands with her husband, Stephen Hargove.

“Bill said he could tell that Loretta knew from the get-go that she’d made a huge mistake,” his adviser said. “She was literally trembling, shaking with nervousness. Her husband tried to comfort her; he kept patting her hand and rubbing her back.

“Bill made small talk about golf and grandchildren and [former Attorney General] Janet Reno, and he kept at it for nearly a half-hour. It didn’t make any difference what they talked about; all he wanted to do was send a message to everyone at Justice and the FBI that Hillary had the full weight of the Clinton machine, the Democratic Party, and the White House behind her.

“It was clearly tortuous for Loretta. Bill told me later that he noticed there were beads of sweat on her upper lip.”

How many other women felt that sweat on the brow, as Bill Clinton cornered them in a confined space.

Luckily for Lynch, her husband was present, or Clinton could have gotten far more than information.

I’m curious as to how this will all play out in Mueller’s investigation.


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