BREAKING: FBI CHANGES STORY on Cell Phone “Technical Glitch”

BREAKING: FBI CHANGES STORY on Cell Phone “Technical Glitch”

In a not so surprising twist to the text message scandal between Peter Strzok and his lover Lisa Page the FBI now reports that THOUSANDS of FBI cell phones experienced the same glitch.

The news broke via Fox News reporter Jake Gibson.


Federal Law Enforcement Officials tell Fox News, “a few thousand FBI employees’ cell phones” were affected by the technical glitch which lost some of the text messages of Strzok and Page.

 — Jake Gibson (@JakeBGibson) January 24, 2018

An article on the  Fox News website added additional details:

Thousands of FBI cellphones were affected by the technical glitch that the DOJ says prevented five months’ worth of text messages between FBI officials Peter Strzok and Lisa Page from being stored or uploaded into the bureau’s archive system, federal law enforcement officials tell Fox News.

The missing messages have been at the center of a storm of controversy on Capitol Hill, after the DOJ notified congressional committees that there is a gap in records between Dec. 14, 2016 and May 17, 2017. Strzok and Page are under scrutiny after it was revealed that the former Robert Mueller team members exchanged a series of anti-Trump texts during the presidential campaign.

The gap in records covered a crucial period, raising suspicion among GOP lawmakers as to how those messages disappeared.

But Fox News is told that the glitch affected the phones of “nearly” 10 percent of the FBI’s 35,000 employees.

Talk about a “cover you ass” move.

So now the FBI changes its story and Americans are to believe that more than the 50,000 text messages are missing. Thus, the incompetence of the FBI is actually more than we thought? Essentially that’s what Democrats want Americans to believe. They want us to believe that an organization we previously thought was among the most elite law enforcement bureaus in the world consists of keystone cops.


Moreover, these dumbasses had a lying crook as its leader, namely James Comey. Ironically, believable.

And that crook has a couple dumbass bosses, specifically Loretta Lynch and Eric Holder. And those two dumbasses worked for the biggest dumbass of all.

What would the FBI say if it subpoenaed the text messages of somebody who claimed to have experienced the same technical glitch?

They would laugh at that person, then go recover the records from a multitude of sources.

However in this case, the FBI tries to find cover, saying “Others had the same problem.” Sadly, anybody who has even basic knowledge of IT data, understands that nothing is completely lost. So why the ruse?

Leftists are counting on the stupidity of the public, bolstered by the collusion of media dishonesty. But understand that criminal minds have likely lined up “the dog ate my homework” defense. What other “glitches” could one claim in the future?

Regardless, the question begs: “Why didn’t they report this information from the beginning?”

I’ll tell you why, because it is a lie. The FBI needs to cover for its crooked leadership.

Experts have come forward revealing exactly what kind of software is loaded onto FBI agents phones and how it is impossible to have messages go missing.   They are automatically stored in archives.

The Washington Examiner reported:

Investigators “may be able to recover deleted text messages from the cellphones used by the parties,” agreed Dennis Williams, a ‎partner at ‎Pathway Forensics LLC who worked three decades with the FBI, including as director of the Greater Houston Regional Computer Forensics Laboratory.

“If the users were using the Google cloud as a backup, messages could be found there. If the phone had been synced with the FBI desktop computer, or even a home computer, the messages could also be located on those devices…forensic exams of those phones could also recover the messages,” Vilfer said.

“The particular FBI employees of interest in this case had texted that they would be using an alternative messaging system, iMessage. This is on the Apple platform and would come with similar sources of possible backups—iCloud, their personal iPhone or Macs etc. I suspect that is where some real meat might be as it relates to their discussions.”

And then consider this Tweet by Jack Posobiec:

Considering the damning information that has recently surfaced because of the leak of these texts, it’s no wonder the FBI now attempts a cover-up.

First, there’s the obvious disdain these agents had against Trump, calling him an “utter idiot.”  And what of the “insurance policy” mentioned in the texts? Disturbingly, some now say the missing messages may have contained threats to the president’s life.

According to an FBI official:

A high-ranking FBI official confirms a number of the missing 50,000 FBI text messages — as well as other text and email messages among FBI brass — reportedly discussed initiating physical harm to President Donald Trump.

“(Director) Wray wants a lid on this,” the FBI official said. “Many know there was talk of harming Trump politically but there is a group here (in D.C. HQ) that understands it goes deeper. We need a special counsel or Homeland Security. Somebody has to clean this up outside of DOJ. It is unacceptable.

“This is dangerous territory and all FBI text messages and personal phones should be examined,” the official said. “It would reveal some frightening conversations.”Were there talks of harming Trump not only politically but also physically? Again, this is all just speculation at the moment but what we do know is FBI messages do not disappear. And whatever these messages contained they do not want the public to see.

So, will the texts be uncovered? 

More than likely.  Fox News host Sean Hannity is reporting that sources of his over at the DOJ told him the recovery of some of the missing texts are underway.

Fox News’ Sean Hannity said Wednesday night on “Hannity” that the Justice Department has started recovering some of the missing texts between FBI officials Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, citing DOJ sources. 

Stay tuned…..

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