Trigger warning for Leftists: Apparently blacks want out of their Democratic sh*tholes, because they now “cotton” to Trump.

That means they now LOVE the man.

Not one, but TWO new polls show President Donald Trump’s rising support among black voters. And this news has Leftists panicked.

After all the genned up nonsense about Trump being racist, the president has doubled his support from blacks.

According to the Atlantic among black men, Trump’s “2017 average approval rating significantly exceeds his 2016 vote share,” The article points out that now “23 percent of black men approved of Trump’s performance versus 11 percent of black women.”

On average, Trump’s support among blacks is around 17 percent, versus 8 percent score reported in 2016 exit polls.

At that time, Trump received 13 percent support among black men and 4 percent support among black women.

The poll was based on “a cumulative analysis of 605,172 interviews Survey Monkey conducted with Americans in 2017.”

Doubling Down

A second poll by CBS showed a similar level of black support for Trump, reporting 18 percent of blacks now support President Trump.

Interestingly, only 41 percent were firmly against the president. Thus, 59 percent of blacks are willing to give him a chance.

I honestly can’t imagine how Democrats must feel after evaluating the information in this report. Talk about taking a swift kick to the nether region. Check out Question 2:

That HAD to hurt!

35 percent of blacks believe they are better off under President Trump, while 21 percent say the same. The 43 percent are “hold outs”, stuck in the Afro/Daishiki/Platform Shoes Era.

Could Trump garner 35 percent of the vote in future elections? As Sarah Palin would say, “You betcha!”

Why the shift? It’s simple…positive results!

President Trump doesn’t pander to blacks, he just simply delivers for the nation.

Because blacks historically are the underclass, we benefit most with Trump’s results. Thus, black unemployment has dropped most dramatically. This is partially because illegals find life much more difficult in Trump’s America. These jobs can now go to black teens and young black men. Working builds morale and self-esteem, which reflects in the new polls.

The New York Times admitted January 13:

As employers dip deeper into the pool of available labor, workers are coming off the economy’s sidelines. The participation rate for what economists call prime-age workers — those ages 25 to 54 — hit a seven-year high in December. Employment gains have been especially strong for groups that often face discrimination — unemployment for African-Americans fell to 6.8 percent in November, the lowest rate on record.

The Washington Post echoed The Times, as they discussed President Trump’s labor market:

The unemployment rate in December was 4.1 percent, leaving employers struggling to attract and retain good workers and raising the prospect of higher wages as the United States approaches congressional elections in November.

“Employees today have lots of options in all corners of industry, whether you’re in fast food or retail or investment banking,” said Art Mazor, a principal at Deloitte Consulting. “This feels super tight.”

In short, the Democrats find themselves in BIG trouble.

After all the cries of racism during the campaign, Trump won. And with renewed cries of racism based on the supposed “sh*thole” comment, Trump emerges from the sh*t smelling like a rose.


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