Billionaire Couple Murder Called a ‘Hit Job’ Linked to Clinton Foundation

Billionaire Couple Murder Called a ‘Hit Job’ Linked to Clinton Foundation

The friends and associates of the Clintons might be the unluckiest people in the world. Far too many of them die of untimely and sometimes brutal deaths.

Take this billionaire couple for example.

The Shermans were both found hanged to death in their home in Canada. Their deaths were reported as a murder/suicide. But a private investigator hired by the family disagrees, calling the deaths a professional hit.

Here’s the story:

The billionaire husband and wife found hanging side-by-side in their posh Toronto home last month were both murdered, according to a bombshell report citing a team of private investigators on Saturday.

Multiple killers played a role in the deaths of Barry and Honey Sherman — contrary to the widely-circulated murder-suicide theory initially leaked by law enforcement, sources told CBC News, citing a parallel probe by a team of investigators hired by the couple’s family.

A real estate agent who was selling the $5.4 million home had discovered pharmaceutical mogul Barry, 75, and Honey, 70, dead on Dec. 15.

I’m not a detective, but generally speaking murder/suicides don’t occur by hanging. It’s just too much work, when a gun would do.

Who was Barry Sherman?

Mr. Sherman founded Apotex in 1974 as a pharmaceutical company that specializes in generic medicine. The privately held company started with just two employees. The company grew to more than 11,000 people worldwide, with annual revenues around $1 billion.

Mr. Sherman’s net worth was recently estimated to be $3.7 billion (USD) by Canadian Business, an online magazine, making him one of Canada’s richest people.

The Sherman’s were heavily involved in philanthropy, which is where their paths crossed with the Clintons.

Barry Sherman’s pharma company Apotex was involved in the supply of generic pharmaceuticals under contracts with the Clinton Foundation most recently in Haiti and Rwanda. In September 2014, in response to the spread of the chikungunya virus in Haiti, Apotex struck a deal with the Clintons’ Direct Relief organization donating more than $2.2 million in medical aid to the country saying in a statement:

“Apotex is in a position to help (in Haiti), and we are delighted to work with Direct Relief…”

Additionally, Apotex worked with Direct Relief in Haiti, who was a “particularly active” member of the Clinton Foundation/Clinton Global Initiative community, supporting post-hurricane “relief efforts.” The pharmaceutical giant airlifted vaccinations and medical supplies into Haiti that was funded through charitable donations to the Clinton Foundation and other connected charities.

Sound familiar? This is the same kind of process other companies went through while contracted out by the Clinton foundation for Haiti relief efforts.

Most companies that received contracts in Haiti happened to be entities that made large donations to the Clinton Foundation. The Haitians eventually realized the connection. Interestingly, Haitian contracts appeared less tailored to the needs of Haiti than to the companies and the Clintons. In short, the deals represented an obvious quid pro quo for filling the coffers of the Clintons.

Did the Sherman’s know about the abuse of funds raised for Haiti by the Clintons? Were the Sherman’s in on the scheme? How involved was this couple with the Clintons and their foundation? Unfortunately, we will never know the answers to these and questions surrounding the Sherman’s mysterious death.

Consider past deaths of people associated with the Clintons. Put simply, death lurks for those who dare, certainly those with the potential to bring the couple down. Thus, in this case one wonders if malfeasance occurred.

Remember the story of Klaus Eberwein for example.

Eberwein was a former Haitian government official expected to testify against the Clinton Foundation. That testimony never occurred.

Eberwein had been vocal about the Clinton Foundation corruption. However not long ago Eberwein was found dead in a Miami motel, a gunshot wound to the head.

Authorities ruled the death of a man who was 50 years old and who recently made an investment in a restaurant a suicide. If you don’t have enough clues, understand that Eberwein reportedly told acquaintances he feared for his life for his fierce criticism of the Clinton Foundation.

Eberwein was due to appear next Tuesday before the Haitian Senate Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission where he was widely expected to testify that the Clinton Foundation misappropriated Haiti earthquake donations from international donors.

Whatever the reason, the deaths of the Shermans reveal another mystery. Two more people who died with a financial connection to the Clintons.

At some point, we may know more than we care to know. Perhaps Weinstein will make a movie about his favorite president and First Lady?

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