Democrat Predicts Pelosi OUT as Party Leader

Democrat Predicts Pelosi OUT as Party Leader

Whatever wins the Democrats may experience today, understand they are panicked.

It’s easy to target a single race. Pour millions into it, and skew the results. However, the Democrats can’t do that nationally.

Moreover, with President Trump’s performance, the Democrats find themselves on the defensive about everything.

So while the Democrats put on a strong public face, privately they look for ways to stop what will undoubtedly be the Carnage of 2018. The party can expect to rinse and repeat the shocking loss of the election of 2016, and we have our clues.

As Free Beacon reported,

Democratic opposition to House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) has been increasing both in public and behind the scenes in recent months, and now even some of the minority leader’s supporters predict she will soon step aside.

Democratic Rep. Bill Pascrell (N.J.) told the Atlantic he expects Pelosi to step down from leadership next year, no matter who wins the House.

“She would love nothing more than to win, and then she’ll get out,” Pascrell said.

A number of Democratic lawmakers and insiders spoke to the Atlantic both on and off the record about the desire among some Democrats for Pelosi to step aside, with some saying it should even happen before the 2018 midterms.

If the Democrats are so optimistic about 2018, why jettison Pelosi?

Recall the outcry to get rid of Pelosi right after Hillary Clinton’s dramatic loss. We penned:

Are Nancy Pelosi’s days numbered? Stephen Jaffe certainly hopes so.

Pelosi is older than Ghandi’s flip flops. And just how many botox injections has that face endured, as the toxins have obviously penetrated her brain?

Jaffe to challenge PelosiPelosi and other establishment liberals ignored the voice of the people over the past several years, and that neglect bit back. This was never a more poignant reality than during last summer’s Democratic National Convention.

Remember last summer’s Democratic National Convention? Bernie Sanders (D-VT) challenged the establishment icon Hillary Clinton for the presidential nomination. Sanders supporters thought they had a voice in the process. However, their voices were silenced at the DNC by the DNC.

Further, Pelosi made it clear over and over again that nothing was going to change.

Between 2008 and 2016, Democrats lost more than 60 seats in the House of Representatives under Pelosi. But that wasn’t her fault. So, at a private conference with billionaire donors, Pelosi confirmed anew that Party strategy would remain constant.

But it’s not just fellow politicos who are angry with Pelosi. Her constituents are as well.

Not so long ago, Pelosi struggled to appease her base on Obamacare:

 Pelosi explains that she’s always supported single-payer, aka government-run health care, and that’s not good enough for her constituents. California isn’t called the Land of Fruits and Nuts and Fairies for nothing!

As American Lookout writes,

The House Minority Leader found that out the hard way when her constituents attending a Saturday town hall meeting in San Francisco repeatedly shouted out and jeered as she said what they apparently thought were wobbly statements.

Several times, she clashed with her own constituents, who were largely sympathetic to her agenda.

Appearing with Congresswoman Jackie Speier, Pelosi was confronted by activists with Indivisible, a group that has been turning out left-wing citizens largely at Republican town hall meetings across the country.

When Pelosi told the group that she has supported a single-payer health scheme for 30 years, shouts and jeers erupted.

Even illegals challenged Pelosi over her party’s inability to pass legislation that protects “Dreamers.”

Worse than that, the Republicans have now begun their marketing campaign against Pelosi:

But things have changed with the election of Donald Trump. Trump’s tactics for dealing with the Left emboldens Republicans. Because Trump meets you in the middle of the street, takes off his jacket and tie, and commences to kicking that Leftist ass.

And other Republicans are paying attention. So when Nancy Pelosi called bonuses paid to employees due to President Trump’s tax plan, “crumbs”, Republicans seized the day.

Thus, according to Fox News, Republicans now offer the Crumb Act:

A Republican lawmaker is set to unveil legislation that would make most bonuses given out as a result of President Trump’s tax reform plan tax-free — and took a jab at House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi with the bill’s name.

Rep. Todd Rokita, R-Ind., has dubbed his bill the “Creating Relief and Useful Middle-Class Benefits and Savings” — or “CRUMBS” Act. Pelosi, D-Calif., famously referred to the bonuses as “crumbs” in criticizing the tax plan last month.

“Americans are receiving thousands of dollars in bonuses and more money in their paychecks thanks to President Trump’s tax reform, but out-of-touch Democratic leaders believe they only amount to crumbs,” Rokita said in a statement. “The CRUMBS Act will let Americans keep more of the money they receive as a result of President Trump’s tax reform, and allow them, not the government, to choose how best to spend their bonuses

Rokita’s bill would make bonuses received by workers in 2018 tax-free up to $2,500. Since tax reform was signed into law this past December, multiple companies have given out bonuses and pay raises in anticipation of increased tax savings.

What a great political and marketing move.

Tying “crumbs” around the necks of Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats is brilliant. In fact, I’d like to hear President Trump call Pelosi and the Democrats “crumbs” for a bit, and make the word even more synonymous with the Party of Evil.

Pelosi finds herself flanked from all sides. And honestly, I don’t think she survives the election of 2018.

Because her party will get another rude and very deserved awakening.

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