Obama Saved America and Other Fictions

Obama saved America, just in time. The Black super hero, at least in his own mind.

Yes America, Obama has written another book. Actually some white guy has written another book for Obama. Because Obama possesses the writing skills of a 5th-grader.

And Obama’s book will regale Americans with tales of heroism and overcoming like no other. The only surprise is the book is not published by Marvel, and shows Obama on the cover as Captain Blackness: social media hero for the new age.

As MSN reported, Obama will soon release what he calls his White House memoir. But this book will only discuss the first 4 years of the Obama presidency:

The first volume of former President Barack Obama’s memoir is coming out Nov. 17, two weeks after Election Day. It’s called “A Promised Land” and will cover his swift and historic rise to the White House and his first term in office.

The publication date for the second volume has not yet been determined.

Let me guess…The second volume is undetermined because Obama might have to dictate this book to his ghost-writer from jail? Seriously, I would buy that book!

Obama issued a statement about his book.

“I’ve spent the last few years reflecting on my presidency, and in ‘A Promised Land’ I’ve tried to provide an honest accounting of my presidential campaign and my time in office: the key events and people who shaped it; my take on what I got right and the mistakes I made; and the political, economic, and cultural forces that my team and I had to confront then — and that as a nation we are grappling with still,”

“In the book, I’ve also tried to give readers a sense of the personal journey that Michelle and I went through during those years, with all the incredible highs and lows. And finally, at a time when America is going through such enormous upheaval, the book offers some of my broader thoughts on how we can heal the divisions in our country going forward and make our democracy work for everybody — a task that won’t depend on any single president, but on all of us as engaged citizens.”

I have to laugh when Obama claims to want to give advice to America.

Dude had 8 years to not just give advice, but to also implement policy to do what he claims he now wants to help with. Yet while president, Obama created the most divisive America in history.

While the book is being heralded “the most anticipated presidential memoir in memory,” don’t fool yourself. Obama stacks the deck, getting his fat cat rich friends to buy out the books damn near at cost. Then they give the books away to anybody with a pulse. Or as I indicated earlier, for those in need of toilet paper

Check out this drivel.

The author says the book is anticipated “as much or more because of the quality of the writing than for any possible revelations. He has been called the most literary president since Abraham Lincoln and has already written two highly praised, million-selling books”.

But don’t expect Obama to tour.

The author explains:

Because of the pandemic, the former president will likely be unable to have the spectacular arena tour that Michelle Obama had, what was then an unprecedented launch for a political book. Barack Obama also may find his book coming out at a time when the Nov. 3 election is still undecided and the country far more preoccupied with who the next president will be than with events of the past.

I like the author’s excuse for Obama being so slow to publish a memoir.

Obama has taken longer than most recent presidents to complete his memoir, with the first volume coming nearly four years after the end of his second term. (George W. Bush’s “Decision Points,” a single volume, came within two years). He has been writing during unusual times, even before the pandemic spread earlier this year.

Just admit that Obama is lazy. That’s not a secret.

From the moment the man became president he was late to meetings or events. Colored People Time is what many blacks refer to the notion of timeliness in the “community”. Obama wanted people to know that he was in charge. So if he spent a little more time playing NBA on his Playstation, the white man can wait.

As for Obama’s book, believe nothing you hear about it. Obama’s book is fictional drivel for the most part. Modicums of truth surrounded by mountains of lies. Just like his proclamation of a “scandal-free” administration.

Moreover, sales figures regarding the book will be lies as well.

The media must continue the illusion that Obama remains popular among his base. Because privately they fear Americans knowing the truth. But they can’t hide the real truth from Conservatives. We know the playbook better than they, at this point.







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