White House TAUNTS Press Corps with Latest Poll

I’ve said for years that pollster Frank Luntz is a Leftist plant. He is less Republican than Nancy Pelosi.

I remember when Obama got elected in 2008. The guy was giddy. If you think Chris Matthews had a tingle running up his leg, you should have seen Luntz’ reaction. While almost all other Republicans were being talked off the ledge, Luntz beamed. I knew then that Luntz is a fraud.

Yet Fox News described him as a Republican just recently:

Republican pollster Frank Luntz told Fox News’ Bret Baier on Thursday night, that his “profession is done” if President Trump wins re-election come Nov. 3, and proves the national polls wrong yet again.

“I hate to acknowledge it, because that’s my industry — at least partially — but the public will have no faith. No confidence. Right now, the biggest issue is the trust deficit,” Luntz said in response to Baier asking how pollsters will fare if they are wrong in predicting the 2020 presidential election. “Pollsters did not do a good job in 2016. So, if Donald Trump surprises people, if Joe Biden had a 5- or 6-point lead, my profession is done.”

National polls largely show Biden with a lead over Trump with two weeks until the presidential election.

Real Clear Politics, which pools together several national polls and takes the average, shows Biden up by 7.9 points, though in battleground states the former vice president is only up by 3.8 points – well within margin of error, which generally hovers around plus or minus four points.

Hillary Clinton was projected to win in 2016, with polling consistently similar to Biden’s.

So Luntz and team learned nothing. They caught a flyer in 2008 with Obama’s overwhelming victory. And almost every poll thereafter flew in the face of reason. Because once Obama proved himself a huge disappointment, the game began to “sell” him as a messiah.

From 2012 on, the polls represented a fake narrative. But not everybody relies on fake data.

Look at what the White House left for the fake news media. Associated Press journalist Jon Lemire tweeted:

“As we depart Maine for Washington, this was placed on every seat in the Air Force One press cabin”

These numbers certainly come much closer to gauging the “enthusiasm gap”. Because Democrats have a very difficult time explaining this. Instead, they ignore it.

Check out Meet the Press’ Chuck Todd give a tortuous description of Biden’s path to victory. He even called the race in Texas as “neck and neck”.

Todd made no reference to the CBS/YouGov poll. Because, as in 2016, Democrats prefer to remain delusional. But those delusions are left with one week to live.


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