Covid Vaccine: Do the Ends Outweigh the Means?

Would you take a vaccine to stop a cold, if the vaccine might kill you? I wouldn’t.

But that’s what some clowns are doing for COVID, aka the Wuflu. A disease so deadly you likely don’t know you have it. A disease so deadly, the average age of the people it kills is TWO YEARS OLDER than the average age white people in America live.
It’s like the disease finds out how long you have to live then gives you TWO MORE YEARS to enjoy life.
Still, dumbasses rush to be Guinea pigs on taking the vaccine. While I applaud President Trump on blasting through red tape for a vaccine for this benevolent flu, I can only think our time would have been better spent focusing on, well…CANCER! (Never fear, Biden has the cure already. He’ll gladly distribute it once he’s president. NOT.)
I haven’t had a cold in ages, got over Wuflu in a DAY, and now the world wants to mandate I take a shot that could kill me.

Speaking of Vaccinating: Two deaths establish links to the Pfizer vaccine.

As Zero Hedge reports:

With the FDA expected to grant emergency-use approval for the Pfizer-BionTech COVID vaccine Thursday after releasing a preliminary assessment of the trial data that the panel will use to assess the drug earlier today, the agency has admitted Tuesday that two participants in the Phase 3 trials have died. One of them was immunocompromised, according to the Jerusalem Post, citing data released earlier.

The FDA is expected to release two separate assessments of the trial data before a panel of experts meets to review the data and either approve Pfizer’s request for emergency approval, or deny it.

This also comes after the FDA warned of a “severe averse reaction” frequently seen in patients after taking the second dose.

In the US, there has been at least one other trial participant who reportedly died not long after receiving the second dose. The participant in that case was a priest in Philadelphia who participated in the Moderna trial. In the UK, two patients were seriously sickened during the trial of the AstraZeneca-Oxford vaccine (though Oxford later said the illnesses had nothing to do with the trial). While In Brazil, authorities briefly halted a trial of Sinovac’s experimental COVID vaccine after a participant died.

If you question Zero Hedge as a credible resource, please know that we worked diligently to verify the assertions. USA Today also reported two deaths linked to the vaccine.

Interesting enough, MedPage stands by these numbers:
COVID-19 does not kill everyone who becomes infected. The amount of killing is called the infection fatality rate and for COVID-19, that number has been estimated to be 0.65%, but may be as high as 2%. If every unvaccinated or ineffectively vaccinated person still got COVID-19, the number of Americans that would still die would range from 500,000 to two million — and that’s with a vaccine that is 95% effective.
Obviously, the mainstream media continues to tout the success of the fast-tracked vaccines. And honestly, its reassuring to see our medical community develop a plan of attack this fast. However, to be fair, one must consider both the pros and the cons of these vaccines. So far, I see a lot of literature on the pros. But what about the flip side?

The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly

Personally, I would not take this vaccine until it’s been around long enough to calculate my chances. I’d like to see enough data to completely understand the side-effects. So far, my chances of surviving the WuFlu are 100%, as I’ve already been there, done that. Thus, I don’t need the vaccine. I am now immune.

But what are the chances that I’d take the vaccine if I hadn’t caught it? Testimonies such as this assure me that I’m better off facing the big, bad coronavirus nightmare first hand.

As MedScape explains:

Nurse researcher Kristen Choi, PhD, RN, experienced first-hand a “worst-case scenario” of potential side effects after receiving an experimental COVID-19 vaccine in a phase 3 trial. She says clinicians should be prepared to reassure patients if reports of similar experiences spread when vaccine rollouts begin.

“This was the highest fever I can ever remember having. And it scared me,” said Choi, with the School of Nursing at the University of California, Los Angeles.

Choi volunteered to participate in Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine trial in August. When she came back for the second dose in September she began to experience distressing symptoms.

The symptoms, she writes in a perspective piece published online today in JAMA Internal Medicine, started with immediate pain at the injection site. By nightfall, she felt “felt light-headed, chilled, nauseous, and had a splitting headache” and went to bed.

She woke up at midnight and the symptoms had intensified and she could hardly move her arm from injection-site pain. Choi slept fitfully and when she woke up at 5:30 AM her thermometer read 104.9 °F (40.5 °C).

According to Choi, she was much better the next day.

But her reaction to the vaccine is much like my reaction to the actual virus. So why chance taking a vaccine that potentially has unknown side-effects?

According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, vaccines are often considered as a “benefit that outweighs the risk.” But that does not mean we shouldn’t weigh the risks.

Many people believe vaccines correlate with the rising number of children diagnosed with autism. No need to take my word for it. There is plenty of research on both sides of the argument. Every parent should investigate and draw their own conclusion before vaccinating their children.

But putting autism aside, research does say some vaccines set the stage for type 1 diabetes. Furthermore, “the incidence of many other chronic immunological diseases, including asthma, allergies, and immune mediated cancers, has risen rapidly and may also be linked to immunization.”

Do I know this to be 100% factual? Of course not. But I can say that before my child is vaccinated, I will be digging into the research first hand. And I won’t consider the mainstream media as a credible source, as we’ve clearly seen the bias that infected the press almost five years ago.

The problem with the covid vaccine is simple. It hasn’t been here long enough for any measurement of long term effects. And until we know what happens ten years down the road, it’s gut-wrenching to see millions of people sign up to be guinea pigs.

I believe in “love thy neighbor.” But falling on the sword, not really my style.




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