COVID Continues Killing Spree

My oh my how Leftists sell their lies. In the midst of the scamdemic we get multiple miracle cures. Cures that kill.

In yet another story about the Wuflu vaccine killing, look at how it gets reported.

From the New York Post:

An elderly man collapsed and died in Manhattan on Sunday morning shortly after receiving a COVID-19 vaccination at the Javits Center, a health official said.

The man, in his 70s, fell as he was leaving the building about 25 minutes after his vaccination, according to a statement from New York state health commissioner Dr. Howard Zucker.

“Initial indications are that the man did not have any allergic reaction to the vaccine,” Zucker said in his statement.

During a required 15-minute time of observation following the vaccination, the man exhibited no adverse effects to the jab, Zucker said.

A whole 15 minutes went by with no ill effects, so it can’t be the shot that only a few minutes later KILLED THE MAN!

The article continues,

First responders rendered aid “within seconds,” but the man later died at a nearby hospital, according to the health commissioner.

“Public health experts agree, the vaccine is safe, and together with continued vigilance including wearing a mask and social distancing, it will bring an end to this pandemic,” said Zucker.

So the man got help from qualified health professionals “within seconds”, but still died. YET, they still proclaim the vaccine safe. Incredible!

Zucker finished his comment, saying “I encourage all eligible New Yorkers to get vaccinated.”

A man healthy enough to get his life-saving vaccine leaves the clinic and promptly dies, and they still say the vaccine is safe.

Shame on the doubters!

I know, how could I possibly believe that the vaccine was the culprit in this death? I can hear the Left now, calling me a “conspiracy theorist”.

There is no proof that the man died from that vaccine. In fact, don’t be surprised if they count that as a “COVID” death. I mean Wuflu is sneaky. It found out that the man was trying to NOT die from the Wuflu, so it killed him.

Don’t expect CNN to post the deaths from the Wuflu vaccine all over their airwaves when you tune in. No, they will hide these inconvenient stats from the public.



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