Leftists like to live in a state of denial. Hear no evil, see no evil, so to speak. But it’s hard to deny it when you catch them live on candid camera!
That’s what just happened to the medical field thanks to one Tennessee family. Meet Patrick D. Hampton. He’s a black conservative warrior, much like our own Kevin Jackson.

Recently, Hampton’s brother Marlon was admitted to Erlanger Health System, where he was told he was about to die at least a hundred different times. In fact, the hospital seemed resigned to let Marlon go without a fuss.
Perhaps that is somehow tied to the hefty payout hospitals receive for every WuFlu death, almost $30k per patient. Clearly, this is what class action lawsuits were created for, and you can bet this class action will be a big one. To quote one of my colleagues, “never in history have hospitals been paid to create a certain diagnosis or outcome.” Interesting point.
I can’t help but wonder what would happen if we split that money. What if a death earned hospitals $10k, but a rehabilitation got them $20k? Who wants to wager the outcome? My guess is that the survival rate would skyrocket.
But I digress. Back to Marlon, he wasn’t making any progress with the current protocols the hospital tried. That’s when the Hampton family stepped in, and demanded better. They wanted the protocol proven effective time after time. Ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, vitamin C, vitamin D, and zinc.
According to Patrick’s Facebook posts,
The hospital only wanted to sedate Marlon, and put him on a ventilator against his will. When the hospital refused the treatment the Hamptons requested, they decided Marlon’s only hope was to get out of the hospital.
Initially, the Hamptons planned to send Marlon home with Hospice.
Sadly, Hospice turned out to not be any better. In fact, they didn’t want to treat Marlon at all considering his desire to take Ivermectin.
Patrick posted:
Brotherly Love
I’m going to have to call this an exceptional example of a brother’s love. Patrick took on the establishment to keep his brother alive. And judging by newer posts, Patrick made the right choice.
The Blowback is Coming.
The Hamptons are fully aware that their campaign to expose hospitals for their death protocols will likely experience serious consequences, but the truth is the truth. And exposing it shouldn’t make the social media giants try to silence you. But they will.
As we learned last year, in fact, almost a year ago exactly, Facebook thrives on a power trip. Say something they don’t like, and they will brand you as #FakeNews. They unpublished our page that still had almost 600,000 followers. And that’s after two years of Facebook removing followers for us.
Unfortunately, Patrick is preparing for the day his page is removed. I wish I could tell him that is an unlikely move on Facebook’s behalf. But I can’t. Because I know what every conservative now learned the hard way. Truth doesn’t set you free. It paints a target on your back.
Sadly, Facebook is now the world’s largest publisher. And with that title comes power. Too much power. It’s time we reign that in. If Facebook wants to function as a company with the right to edit its users, they should be recategorized as a media company. As such, they would no longer be free of consequences when they practice blatant censorship. Instead, those of us wronged by Facebook could seek a court’s assistance in overcoming the injustice.
Praying for Recovery
Sometimes, all we can do is pray for one another. As such, please join me in a word of prayer for quick and complete healing as Marlon continues to battle covid without the support of the medical community. If you’d like to pitch in and join the fight, you can donate here. 100% of the proceeds will go to Marlon’s care.
It’s quite tragic that political correctness now trumps honest healthcare. Let’s just call it for what it is, a little pomp and circumstance preempting certain death. It’s a good thing the Hamptons decided on a rescue mission instead. Because hospitals can no longer be trusted.