Biden Takes Aim at Religious Freedom

Just how many ways can the Biden Administration take aim at our constitutional rights? I’m honestly scared to ask.

Biden’s made a multitude of mistakes. He’s trashed the economy, tanked foreign relations, and continually lied to the American people. Worst of all, from day one, Biden’s assaulted the constitution, after pretending he would be the choice for “law and order” while Trump was the representative of “lawlessness.” My only rationale for such a statement is that it must have been opposite day. Because certainly the opposite is true.

However, leftists decided to roll with it. Then, Biden continually subjected us to cruel and unusual punishment with his continual vaccine mandates. Now, the demented clown wants to shred religious freedom as if it’s not a fundamental piece of the Bill of Rights.

FNN explains:

The Health and Human Services Department (HHS) is considering revoking authority the former Trump administration delegated for the Office of Civil Rights (OCR) to prevent violations of religious liberty – prompting concerns about conscience protections under Secretary Xavier Becerra.

A draft memo obtained by Fox News targets two actions related to the the First Amendment from earlier this year, and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA), which prohibits federal infringements on the free exercise of religion.

The RFRA delegation came on Dec. 7, 2017, in response to the administration’s broader efforts to beef up religious liberty protections. Citing President Trump’s executive order on the issue, former Attorney General Jeff Sessions provided executive agencies with a long list of guidelines on RFRA, free exercise claims, contraception in insurance plans and other issues.

HHS followed by granting OCR authority to, among other things, conduct RFRA compliance reviews and “initiate such other actions as may be necessary to facilitate and ensure compliance with RFRA.”

HHS’ internal memo is expected to be rolled out this week, according to a source familiar. It argues that the former administration may have over-expanded OCR’s authority and signals intent to repeal Trump-era initiatives.

The memo is addressed to Becerra and comes from OCR Director Lisa Pino, a political appointee announced in September. A former Obama administration official, she was also appointed an executive deputy commissioner at the New York Department of Health.

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In other words, we’re once again face with “Trump fixed it, so Biden has to break it again.”

I can’t help but wonder just how many Trump fixes Biden’s managed to undo at the point. The list is pretty long and extensive.

Here’s what comes to mind:

    • The Paris Accord
    • The Keystone XL Pipeline
    • Border Security
    • Participation and Funding the UN
    • Funding the WHO
    • Tariffs with China
    • Trade
    • US Manufacturing
    • Unemployment.

I could go on and on and on, but you get the point. If Trump marked it as a win, Biden set out to destroy it.

I’m shocked Biden hasn’t pulled all the increased funding from the HBCUs Trump made a priority. Or went down to the VA to reverse those improvements as well. I could totally picture Joe Biden sending our veterans to sleep on the cold winter streets with old cardboard blankets. Then, someone would show up to a press conference to call him out. Then he’d say “Come on, man! Right after I personally won WWII by invading Hitler, I came back home and slept on the street for 5 years until I got a full scholarship to law school and earned three degrees simultaneously with the highest scores ever achieved. And even though we’d all know these statements to be outrageous lies, some dumb leftist would crawl out from under a rock and congratulate the president for his epic achievements.

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