Democrats got their asses kicked in the Virginia governor’s race, and they did what Democrats do: blame black people.
And why not? After all, Democrats paid Leftist black people (with taxpayer money) to support whatever their masters asked.
As Yahoo reported, black Leftists did exactly that.
Fears about Black turnout and a lack of enthusiasm did not materialize in Tuesday’s results as former Gov. Terry McAuliffe, a Democrat, ran close to expected totals in the state’s majority-Black areas. Instead, Black state leaders and voters who backed McAuliffe said the results were a sign that the party could not rely on minority voters to cover its cratering totals in more white areas of the state, particularly in rural communities that voted heavily for Glenn Youngkin, the Republican businessman who won the governor’s race.
“I believe that Black voters are easily the first target for when things don’t go for how they want it to go,” said Marcia Price, a member of the Virginia House of Delegates who won reelection.
“It’s a trash take to look at us and not the middle,” she said. “The middle said Youngkin is more palatable than Trump, and they were willing to take a chance with him.”
Price’s words reflect a sense among the state’s Black political class that communities of color are often blamed when Democrats lose.
I had a good hearty laugh reading that.
How can one group be blamed for Democrats losing? Aren’t there more white people than black people in Virginia? So why are we discussing this asinine idea?
Oh, I remember. Because black people vote in blocs. And we are expected to vote Democrat.
Put another way, nobody is blaming all the whites, Latinos, Asians or other for McAuliffe’s loss. Apparently, in elections only the black vote gets scrutinized when Democrats lose.
However, I have it on good authority that at least one polling place in Virginia attempted to suppress conservative voters.
What did they expect?
Democrats have a demented clown in the White House. And in case you missed it, Biden fell asleep during the CoP26 Global Climate Farce summit. Keep in mind that Biden calls climate farce the “biggest existential threat to mankind”.
The article highlights problems Democrats face with Black voters:
Several voters cited a radio advertisement that had been playing on local stations saying Black voters should not back McAuliffe because Democrats cared about Black communities only during election season. They rejected the ad’s plea to stay home but said the general theme resonated, and they urged Democrats in Congress to pass bold legislation on President Joe Biden’s core campaign promises, including climate change, police reform and economic investments in Black communities.
To be clear, blacks are not concerned with climate change or police reform. That’s hogwash written by some Leftist toeing the party line. But Blacks are concerned about our communities.
Blacks want communities that foster economic development, not hinder it. And Democrat policies prevent that development.
Black communities are unsafe, and basically unfit for humane interactions. Black voters know this, and they are sick of the election-time patronizing by Democrats.