Non-Vax Victory Against NBA

The NBA backed down from their insane position regarding the death poke. But in their typical “woke” fashion, they waged a new battle to protect the vaxxed.

Yes, the super-spreaders deserve protection from the non-vaxxed pure-bloods; at least in Dallas. And you can bet this was Mark Cuban’s idea.

In late September, the Dallas Mavericks announced that fans would have to pass Wuflu tests. Thus, they would be required to provide either proof of vaccination or have a negative COVID-19 test in order to attend Mavericks home games.

However, after only six games into the 2021-2022 NBA season, the Mavericks changed their minds.

The team recently updated their attendance requirements. Thus, the majority of fans will no longer be required to provide proof of vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test to attend home games.

“The Mavericks, in conjunction with the NBA, announced today that beginning Nov. 15, fans seated beyond 15 feet of the court will no longer need to complete a Fan Health Survey to enter the game,” Dallas said in a statement.

“Those same fans will also no longer need to submit proof of a negative COVID-19 test or full vaccination status within 48 hours of the game.”

This on the heels of criticisms that the NBA hid the side effects of the vaccine after it caused serious side effects for one of their players.

As we previously learned:

Brandon Goodwin, an NBA player with the Atlanta Hawks, admitted recently that he got blood clots from the COVID vaccine that ended his season and possibly his career.

Goodwin said the NBA told him to keep it quiet.

Brandon Goodwin told “I got sick, and I never quite recovered from it. I would always have back pain. I was just super tired in the games. I was so tired. I felt like I couldn’t run up and down the court. My back was hurting. My back really started hurting bad. Then, I’m like, ‘OK. I need to go to the doctor. That’s when I found out I had blood clots. That all within the span of a month.

Goodwin is confident it was from the COVID vaccine, ““I was fine until then. I was fine up until I took the vaccine, I was fine. People trying to tell you, ‘No. It’s not the vaccine.’ How do you know? You don’t know. Yes, the vaccine ended my season. One thousand percent.”

Why the change? Capitalism, Bitches! From Statista:

The total / average regular season home attendance of the Dallas Mavericks fluctuated from 2006/07 to 2020/21.

In 2020/21, the regular season home attendance of the franchise was 34,796, an average of 2,899 per game. The overall average attendance in the NBA stood at 893 in the same season.

Keep in mind, these numbers reflect the “Wuful” year. And while attendance increased from that of a good high school game, the numbers aren’t great.

Like Wuflu numbers, the teams are packing the stats. Ticket giveaways and heavy ticket price reductions help fill the stadiums, but not the owners’ bottom lines. And gimmicks like forcing fans to get shots will not work.

That’s what Cuban found out, and that’s what other companies are finding out.

The time of being “woke” is about to be put to sleep.


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