Ever wonder how Nazi Germany came to be? It started when ordinary men were willing to carry out evil atrocities against their fellow men (or women and children for those who will make a stink if not mentioned specifically).
If you don’t see the parallels between the WuFlu and Nazi Germany, you’re blinded.
I stumbled across this tweet and I couldn’t believe my eyes. Austria is willing to pay people to turn in the nonvaxxed. You could get reported for not being sick, and practicing your basic human rights.
JUST IN – Austria is looking for employees to “hunt down vaccine refusers” in light of the upcoming compulsory vaccination.https://t.co/McA6U3qcWV pic.twitter.com/R7JtBgrrzX
— Disclose.tv (@disclosetv) December 21, 2021
To those willing to take this job: shame on you! You might as well get a swastika tattooed on your forehead so the rest of the world knows to avoid you like the plague. In fact, if you’re willing to do this job, I’d like to personally hunt you down and leave an impression on your politics.
It looks as though Twitter agrees with me.
Ever wondered in Nazi Germany how they got good people to do bad things? It’s called mass formation, and it’s exactly what is happening now. No, it isn’t a second coming of the Nazis… use your imagination, new horrors await us when good people fail to resist evil.
— “Hey it’s Debug!” ? (@heyitsDebug) December 21, 2021
Demons and devil… this is far from ok. As human beings people must now say NO. Our fellow people are our friends not enemies. It’s pure EVIL
— Lyndon Wood ✌️?? (@Lyndonx) December 21, 2021
Stage of Genocide # 7 pic.twitter.com/otAFdNy782
— Fernando Salas (@fasalash) December 21, 2021
What’s the big deal? So what if the Gov. is forcing you to inject yourself with an experimental substance called a vaccine that doesn’t actually immunize you? And so what if they encourage citizens to turn on each other? It will all work out good in the end. Just blindly OBEY!
— AAron Ruis (@AAronRuis) December 21, 2021
You know, a lot of people might say “man, did they learn nothing from the lessons of the past?”
I’d say they probably learned all too well.
Their intention to commit genocide w/ emergency mandates under guise of public health, and as having exhausted every option is very real.
— CoClem (@Jereqb) December 21, 2021
I wish I could say every response reflected the same common sense as the previous tweets. But we’re not that lucky. Sadly, leftism isn’t just a problem in America. It’s a global infection, much like the WuFlu, but far more dangerous.
Obviously, you can escape the WuFlu unscathed. I have, twice. But leftism always leaves a scar. Yet, liberals continue to take their chances with the deadly disease.