With poll numbers shrinking, Team Demento charts a new course. At least where it applies to Wuflu.
The Biden administration is rolling out a new Covid-19 strategy. And they make this dramatic course correction as the curtain gets pulled back on the scamdemic we’ve lived under for the last 2 years.
During his first State of the Union address, Biden commented on the need for the country to return to “normal”. By “normal”, did Biden mean Florida?
Understand that the places where “normal” was under attack were in Democrat-led and RINO-led cities and communities. These were the place where Draconian mandates enslaved Americans.
However, Biden said during his SOTU (flop): “Covid need not control our lives.”
Quite a departure from his rhetoric only a few months ago. I know, I know…”the virus is on the decline”. BS. The virus has been on the decline since the virus was first discovered.
But Biden did what Leftist Democrats always predictably do. He asked for more money:
“Of course, continuing this costs money. I will soon send Congress a request. The vast majority of Americans have used these tools and may want to again, so I expect Congress to pass it quickly.”
After bilking the American taxpayers out of trillions of dollars, last month the Biden administration asked Congress for another $30 billion in coronavirus response aid. The request includes $17.9 billion for medical countermeasures like antivirals. In addition, Biden requested $4.9 billion for testing capacity, and $2.7 billion to combat future variants. (per The Wall Street Journal)
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Context: President Biden has seen his approval ratings steadily sink. Many Americans have asserted he has not done enough to end Covid-19 as he promised on the campaign trail.
Biden’s unpopularity with the American people is sure to affect the November midterms as Democrats try to hold on to their historically slim majorities in Congress.
What Happened: The Biden administration’s new National COVID-19 Preparedness Plan focuses on four primary goals.
-Protecting against Covid-19 and concentrating on treatment
-Planning for new variants
-Preventing future shutdowns
-Global vaccine donations
The Catch: President Biden emphasized his new strategy will cost but refuses to give a rough estimate. Republican lawmakers will likely create a tough hurdle after the administration’s historic spending thus far.
What Republicans Say: On Wednesday, Republican Sen. Mitt Romney led 35 GOP lawmakers in a letter to Biden requesting specific details on how the federal government has allocated Covid-19 funding so far.
“Before we would consider supporting an additional $30 billion for Covid-19 relief, Congress must receive a full accounting of how the government has already spent the first $6 trillion,” according to the letter. (per The Wall Street Journal)
What Democrats Say: Democrats have agreed with Biden and claimed more funding is imperative for the next phase of fighting Covid-19.
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D. N.Y.) said, “I hope our Republican colleagues will join us in getting some new kinds of funding to deal with, to keep us normal, God forbid another variant comes along.” (per The Wall Street Journal)