I understand the allure of California, if you remove the politics. The problem is you can’t remove the politics.
California is ruled by a royal family: the Pelosis. Recently, Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband was arrested for drunk driving. The case has been pretty hush-hush. And now we find old footage of Biden saying that he doesn’t consider DUI a felony. Timing much?
But that’s not what I want to discuss. I want to discuss California’s wacko governor, Gavin Newsom. He signed a $308 billion state budget last week. That budget makes California the 43rd largest country in the world.
As part of that budget, Newsom offers Californians their money back. Or not.
What I mean is that Newsom is stealing money from hardworking Californians, people who likely don’t qualify to get money back. Newsom then gifts California’s poor with “inflation relief” checks up to $1,050.
Why do some welfare-receiving Californians get money back.
- because of Bidenflation.
- because Democrats buy votes.
The Washington Examiner wrote,
The new budget has a $17 billion relief plan to help ease the financial stress for millions of Californians spurred by rising costs from inflation and includes $9.5 billion for the tax refunds that will be issued to about 23 million residents as soon as October, $1.95 billion in rental assistance for low-income tenants that filed a request for funds by last March, $1.4 billion to help Californians pay past-due utility bills, and a 12-month pause on state taxes for diesel fuel, Newsom’s office announced.
Every problem that Newsom attempts to fix has something in common.
Clearly, they’re all created by Biden and other Democrats. Take, for example, rental assistance. Biden caused the single biggest increase in rents than anyone in recent history. In fact, rents are up as much as 30% in some cities.
Past-due utility bills: again caused by Biden. American families are spending an additional $2,500 this year on energy, and that number is steadily rising. And finally, a pause on the gas tax. Again, who created the need for this pause? Trump? The man who left America energy independent and had gas prices well under $3. In fact, in many places gas was $1.89 a gallon! Then Joe Biden took over and his bonehead policy on energy created every single problem we face.
It’s no wonder that 71% of Americans don’t want Biden cheated back into office in 2024. According to Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll, seven in 10 Americans say they do not want President Biden to even run for a second term.
We know Biden can’t win on his own merits. But no one wants to risk the Big Cheat 2.0.