Roe v Wade: Polls Show MASSIVE FAIL for Democrats

Democrats received bad news on abortion. As usual, they put too much faith in their “inside the beltway” information.

Because outside the beltway, people have to live the BS that Leftists legislate.

However, a new Pew Research poll reiterates the fact that America’s pro-lifers are largely female. But more interestingly, blacks and Hispanics within Democrat party continue to drive a pro-life movement from behind the scenes.

Democrats want Americans to believe abortion is a “women’s issue.” They contend pro-lifers are “men making decisions for women.” Yet, among Americans who told Pew “abortion should be illegal in all circumstances,” 55 percent were women. Once again, the leftist narrative collapses when compared to the facts.

But that doesn’t stop nasty politicians like Nancy Pelosi from pretending Democrats are in a fight to rescue women from the dark ages.

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The poll also showed an overall still-strong pro-life contingent in the Democrat Party.

According to American Action News:

Interestingly, Democrats appear to split on abortion among racial lines, with pro-abortion Democrats being overwhelmingly white and pro-life Democrats led by Hispanics and blacks.

Among Democrats who believe abortion should be “legal in all or most cases,” 56 percent were white, with just 17 percent black, 16 percent Hispanic and 8 percent Asian.

But among Democrats who believe abortion should be “illegal in all or most cases,” only 37 percent were white, with 23 percent black, 30 percent Hispanic and 8 percent Asian.

That appears to reflect what is being seen in recent elections, with Hispanic voters in places like South Texas rejecting a radicalized white Democrat elite refusing to accept any resistance to taxpayer-funded abortion on demand.

The split appears to be driven by religious faith.

“Black and Hispanic Democrats tend to be more religious than White Democrats, and indeed, Democrats who oppose legal abortion are much more likely than those who support it to be highly religious and to identify as Christian (both Catholic and Protestant),” Pew reports. “Meanwhile, 43% of Democrats who favor legal abortion are religiously unaffiliated.”

In a June special election to fill a U.S. House seat vacated by Texas Democrat Filemon Vela, who resigned to take a private sector job, Republican Mayra Flores won an 85 percent Hispanic seat along the Texas/Mexico border, which no Republican had held in over 150 years.

Flores credited Democrats’ radical hostility to religious faith.

“This historic win will bring back God to the halls of Congress! This win is for the people who were ignored for so long! This is a message that the establishment will no longer be tolerated! We have officially started the red wave!!,” Flores cheered on Twitter after her win.


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