Coming SOON: More Radical Blow-ups at CNN

Chris Licht is taking a wrecking ball to CNN, and rightfully so. Brian Stelter recently got the axe, which came as a surprise only to Stelter. But he isn’t the only casualty at the fake news network!

Apparently, Licht has the axe out and he’s ready to chop. His next target is said to be “New Day”, CNN’s morning show with Brianna Keilar and John Berman.

Other CNN personalities should take note of what is going on around them. Stelter anchored the longest running show on CNN, as he started with ‘Reliable Sources’ in 2013. Of course, his ruse was transparent from the start.

As Kevin Jackson recently wrote:

Brian Stelter runs around interviewing people in the name of teaching media literacy and hosting summits to expose fake journalism.

Nice try, CNN.

Despite CNN’s feeble attempt to showcase fairness in reporting, Americans know the truth. And a roundtable titled “Disinformation and the Erosion of Democracy” at the University of Chicago proved that even students understand that CNN manufactures the fake news it purportedly wants to prevent.

That was in reference to the moment when a college freshmen put Stelter on blast. In fact, the young man provided clear examples of CNN butchering journalism, yet Stelter said to him directly, [pp] “Don’t believe your lying eyes!”

With that kind of regard for the truth, it’s no wonder the time has come to butcher CNN’s lineup. They’re already ranked the Fakest of the Fake News by various ratings, polls, and anyone watching who has a sliver of brain cells.

Consider the names associated with CNN. Chris Cuomo (even though he is gone), Brian Stelter, Don Lemon, none of these faces conjure up images of a newsworthy organization.

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Back to “New Day.”

Licht clearly has a different vision for CNN now that Jeff Zucker is long gone. Just for the record, Zucker should’ve been thrown out on his ass the second he made his personal politics the network’s agenda. But Licht brings in a fresh perspective. Hopefully one of balanced journalism.

According to Radar Online:

That next big “change” that Licht will announce within days will be the demise of New Day, the brainchild of former honcho Jeff Zucker which has been on the air since 2013.

New Day will be replaced by a new as yet unnamed roundtable program modelled on MSNBC’s Morning Joe with Joe Scarborough and his wife Mika Brzezinski.

“Chris comes from the same breeding ground as Zucker: morning television,” a CNN insider told Radar. “He wants to establish a popular morning show that sets the agenda for the network each day. He doesn’t want to change anchors frequently. He wants strength and stability — and believes it all starts in the all-important morning timeslot.”

“Expect to see either one main anchor, like Joe, or three like Gayle King has on CBS,” the insider noted. “They’ll be joined by a roster of ‘friends’ who can add to the morning dialogue — beat reporters, commentators, and people in the know.”

The source added, “Everyone knows for a morning show to work, it’s important viewers see the same faces each morning whether they like them or not … Don’t be surprised if a serving Democrat and Republican politician are anointed as regular contributors.”

CNN’s flagship morning program New Day began in 2013 with hand-picked anchors Chris CuomoKate Bolduan, and Michaela Pereira.

Alisyn Camerota later joined Cuomo — but she too was replaced by outspoken liberal Brianna Keilar, who today shares the anchor desk with John Berman.

Both Keiler and Berman are expected to be jettisoned in the morning shake-up and find roles elsewhere at the network.

I hate to say it, but it looks like the staff at CNN is finally going to see the unemployment line first hand. You know, the one they swear Biden eradicated…




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