Guess How Much Beto ‘the 3 Time Loser’ Burned Through?

It takes a lot of money to run a campaign. Especially a high profile campaign. Especially THREE high profile campaigns. And you can bet Beto scammed every dollar he possibly could.

Shockingly, Beto has burned almost $200 MILLION in just four years. And not once has he been declared the winner. That must sting pretty bad considering Beto exploited the deaths of 19 children and 2 teachers in his quest to unseat the popular GOP Governor Greg Abbott.

Sadly, that wasn’t the first time Beto tried to use a mass shooting to his advantage. In 2019, Beto was polling around 5% when a gunman shot and killed 20 people, while injuring 26 others at an El Paso Walmart. Not only did Beto come out and directly blame President Trump for the shooting, but he also promised to enter people’s homes and take their guns by force. Add in the fact that we are under attack at our southern border, and you can guess how that went over in Texas.

Beto also promised to legalize marijuana and expand Medicaid. But it wasn’t enough to fool Texas voters. We’ve seen Beto in action before, and you know what they say. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, well, there’s no way Beto’s going to fool Texas twice.

One would think Beto got the message loud and clear when he lost to Senator Ted Cruz in 2018. And then there was that embarrassing run for president, when Joe Biden was actually picked from a crowded pool of candidates. If someone actually picked Joe Biden over me for any job on this planet, I would never show my face again.

Yet, Beto somehow got the idea that the third time would be the charm, so he threw his hat in the ring against Abbott in a race that spent record-breaking amounts. In fact, its crazy to consider just how much money Democrats wasted trying to get Beto a seat at the table.

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Fox News reports:

In 2018, O’Rourke’s campaign for Senate raised a whopping $80.3 million, according to Federal Election Commission data. The massive haul included a record-shattering $38.1 million quarterly haul raised between July 2018 and September 2018.

O’Rourke raised another $18.6 million during his short-lived presidential campaign which lasted a mere seven months.

And during the 2022 gubernatorial campaign, O’Rourke set more records, pulling in more than $76 million in the year since he announced his intention to run for the seat, The Texas Tribune reported. The $27.6 million his campaign raised between February and June was the largest quarterly figure ever recorded in Texas.

That just goes to show, being popular on Facebook doesn’t necessarily get you elected.

There Will Be NO Beto!

That has been my motto all along. Whenever friends and family asked me if I was confident that Gov. Abbott would win against this lousy liberal, I never had a doubt. This man was never fit for public office.   He may look like a Kennedy, but he reads like an episode of the Twilight Zone.

In addition to his crazy days as a hacker in the Cult of the Dead Cow, O’Rourke wrote several disturbing stories and detailed his dreams of running over children with a car. Even liberal voters have a hard time looking past all that craziness. Especially when O’Rourke funneled more than $100k into his wife’s company. If Beto were a smart man, he’d cut his losses now. But I have a feeling, we’ll hear from him again.

Democrats have a way of keeping the losers in the limelight. It’s too bad, really. The country is full of people with more intellect and integrity. I’m sure, even among Democrats, there are tens of thousands of better choices. All Beto has to offer is a ridiculous nickname and a set of stick fingers. In the past five years, I’ve only heard one Beto story worth retelling. And that’s the one where he showed up in my small town a few months ago, only to get run out of town by Abbott supporters to the sound of Kid Rock. Looks like the so-called campaign consultants could learn a lot from watching Small Town, America.


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