Every president spends a great deal of time focused on their legacy. They want to pass legislation that highlights the leadership of their administration.
Some presidents become so hyper-focused on their legacies that they forget to be present-day leaders. But never in my life have I seen an administration as bizarre as Joe Biden’s. If there was anyone out there thinking Biden might not be as demented as we say he is, trust me, this is the move that will solidify his stupidity.
President Biden wants us all to walk around a little dirtier, and smell a little worse. And, it’s all over a whopping $1.93 a week. Folks, I couldn’t dream this nonsense up if I tried.
Biden’s new washing machine rule requires washers to use considerably less water in a so-called efficiency standard improvement. However, not only does such a change leave clothes dirtier and stinkier, but it also will raise the prices of the machines. The cycles will take longer and the detergent will be more expensive.
Of course, Biden overlooked one obvious caveat: we’ll use more electricity. Thus, the goal of getting greener isn’t really being accomplished by saving a few gallons of water. Clearly, there’s nothing here that makes a marked improvement on our daily lives.
Fox News explains:
The proposed washing machine change is the latest example of the Biden administration pushing more consumer regulations to advance green initiatives. In February, the administration received heat for a proposal which would have banned half of America’s gas stoves in addition to another proposal to heavily regulate refrigerators.
“Like many efficiency standards, the government claims that although these standards will raise the cost of appliances, they are justified because they will reduce consumer spending on energy and water even more. Of course, if that were true, consumers would likely buy more efficient appliances anyway, given that studies show consumers consider energy and water costs,” American Enterprise Institute Senior Fellow James Coleman told Fox News Digital. “If consumers do fully consider what they will pay on energy in their individual circumstances, then the standards would, on-net, harm consumers.”
“This proposal builds on the more than 110 actions the Biden-Harris administration took in 2022 to strengthen energy efficiency standards and save the average family at least $100 annually through lower energy bills,” the Department of Energy said in a press release. “Collectively these energy efficiency actions will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by more than 2.4 billion metric tons, save consumers $570 billion cumulatively over 30 years, and support President Biden’s ambitious clean energy agenda to combat the climate crisis.”
Do the Math
One hundred dollars a year? Are we supposed to be impressed by that number? Because I spend $100 a day on groceries and $100 a tank for gas– all thanks to Joe Biden and his “improvements”. But let’s just pretend we’re happy to save $100 a year. Divide that by 52 weeks, and you’ve got roughly $1.93 in your pocket. That won’t even cover the extra stick of deodorant your going to need to combat that not-so-fresh feeling in your favorite jeans.
Fox adds:
The Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers argued that the Energy Department’s washing machine regulations “would have a disproportionate, negative impact on low-income households” by eliminating cheaper appliances from the market. The Energy Department estimates that manufacturers will incur nearly $700 million in conversion costs to transition to the new machines.
Hmmm, I think I’m experiencing deja vu. Remember when Obama Wasted $150 Billion for a ONE PERCENT gain in “green energy”? In fact, going green became the catchphrase for government larceny under the Obama-Biden administration.
The man put PT Barnum to shame, as he billed himself as a friend to the environment. Thus, Obama preached about renewable energy and sustainable sources.
As the saying goes, “There’s a sucker born every minute,” so Obama suckered many Americans.
After billions and billions of taxpayer $$$ -Renewable energy increased by only 1% in US #ThanksObama pic.twitter.com/sjQsiM3GQD
— The Gateway Pundit (@gatewaypundit) November 28, 2015
In fact, Obama spent nearly $40 billion a year on green energy projects. This is an amazing figure, particularly considering all America got for the money.
I previously wrote about the Solar Letdown:
For decades, green energy supporters touted solar energy as the answer. However, the solar energy industry cannot support itself without massive government subsidies. The average homeowner would need a $30,000 system just to save $2,000 a year. And who really knows what the savings are, given the Obama administration’s “fake data.”
Regardless, even using their numbers it would take 15 years just to recover one’s initial investment. Since the average home owner stays in their house less than 13 years, a buyer never recovers his or her investment.
Those numbers are based on 2017 estimates. There’s no telling how much worse Bidenflation made the situation. But I digress, this is about dirty clothes and the ability to wash them. Now, maybe you don’t have 7 kids piling up your laundry room, but I do. And I can tell you I’m definitely not down with another regulation that will definitely have adverse effects on the average American, those of us who don’t get to buy at the high end of the spectrum.
The Biden administration is in denial when it comes to the downfall of over-regulating the appliance industry.
“The proposal also argues that it won’t reduce appliance performance, but skepticism is warranted because past regulations have often been found to reduce performance,” Coleman told Fox News Digital.
“Despite misleading claims to the contrary, these proposals are intended for nothing more than promoting innovation and keeping money in the pockets of Americans everywhere without sacrificing the reliability and performance that consumers expect and rely on,” a spokesperson for the Department of Energy told Fox News Digital. “As evidenced in the Department’s testing and analysis, the proposed standards would not reduce product performance or negatively impact cleaning ability or cycle time.”
But who do you believe? The leaders of the appliance industry, independent evaluators, or the President and his energy department? Keep in mind, Biden once sold his son as “well-qualified” to lead an energy company overseas… but we all know how that turned out.