Joe Biden one step closer to exiting the race

The media pile on of Trump continues, though to no avail. The public is hip to the process of Leftist created fake news.

For example, I read that a new poll where 56% of respondents say they want Trump in prison. I didn’t read the poll, but I can only think the punchline was: “To visit Hillary Clinton”.

I believe that poll as much as I believe the best sushi can be found at truck shops.

But Leftists continue trying to convince the public that Trump is a pariah, while Joe Biden is on top of the world. Yes, Joe Biden. The man who won’t campaign. In fact, Biden is so absent, that one of his challengers made a campaign commercial mocking the man who is seen less than Sasquatch:

A graphic built on words that pay homage to the men and women in blue. Openly show your support for law enforcement by clicking this graphic and buying this shirt

When Biden visited Pennsylvania  more people showed up to boo him than support him.

That’s Biden’s home state of Pennsylvania folks.

And while we are on the subject of the pathological liar with dementia who peddles influence for the Biden Crime Family, anybody who supported or continues to support him is a moron.

Consider all that you must dismiss to support Joe Biden and I’m happy to debate the point. The man has been a liar, a cheat, a pedophile, a racist, and a bad politician his entire life. Yet he’s the best Democrats could do to cheat a candidate into office in 2020. And even with four years to find a replacement, they have none?

I chuckle at Leftists who are so ashamed of Biden that their only recourse is to hate Trump more.

I get it. The hatred of admitting that they are wrong fuels their disdain for Trump and so-called MAGAts. If I were that wrong on an issue, I’d look for a scapegoat on whom to vomit my vitriol.

But that doesn’t lessen the fact that Leftists are f’g idiots who earn our scorn.

Show your scorn for those who attack America from the inside

This clown visited a coffee shop and announced that he was from the government and a Senator:

I’m sure you noticed the “standing-room only” attendance at the place?

And it would be hard to miss the crowd of adoring onlookers who rushed from their chairs to see the man, the myth, the legend. Did you see it? If not, perhaps you should watch the video again?

Contrast this with Trump’s visit to a cafe in Iowa:

Here is a tweet showing that people were waiting in line four hours in advance of the Trump event.

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Biden couldn’t get this many people at ten events. And neither can any of Trump’s opponents.

Nikki Haley held an event where no one showed. Not a single person. And DeSantis got embarrassed at an event where he was offered a participation trophy:

Pivoting back to Joe Biden, let’s not forget the man Hunter Biden affectionately calls “Pedo Pete”.

Check out how this little girl recoils when Biden gets too close.

It occurs at about the six second mark.

Note that the little girls looks to her left, likely at one of her parents. Then she smartly backs away from Biden.

Perhaps she knew of Tara Reade? Or maybe the little girl read Ashley Biden’s memoirs of taking showers with her daddy, then trying to only shower late at night to avoid the old pervert.

Then again, maybe this little girl followed the news and saw the many other public molestations by Biden that the media happily dismissed as “Joe being Joe.”

And we wonder how the Epsteins and Weinsteins, both Leftists were allowed to operate in the open?

Finally, how’s all this working for Biden and the Democrats?

Biden and the Democrats had a bad week. But wait until next week.



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