In an unofficial poll conducted by some research group, Joe Biden loses to any Republican. This latest poll confirms that [insert Republican here] soundly beat Biden in multiple national polls by an average of two points.
Actually, a new poll shows three top Republican presidential candidates beating President Joe Biden in a one-on-one general election matchup. And as with most of the polling, this one is mostly propaganda for the anti-Trump people.
The poll conducted by CBS News/YouGov from January 10 to 12 shows former President Trump, former United Nations ambassador Nikki Haley, and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis all leading Biden.
So far so good. Now the propaganda.
Poll results show that Haley would have the biggest lead over Biden in a hypothetical general election matchup with 53% to Biden’s 45%. That’s an 8% differential, and supposedly the biggest of all the Republican candidates.
Next, DeSantis enjoys the biggest winning percentage beating Biden 51% to Biden’s 48%.
Finally, Trump hypothetically beats Biden by only two percentage points, 50% to Biden’s 48%. The man who just beat DeSantis by 32 points and Haley by 33 points lags both in the “theoretical” matchup between him and Biden.
Does anybody really believe this poll?
While the media extols the virtues of Nikki Haley, she learned in Iowa that she’s just another Leftist hack. The reality set in for the former Trump supporter turned ingrate in the Iowa caucus. After many debates and attempting to propel her political career by trashing DeSantis, the real poll came in.
Haley is a no-trick pony. Even in her speech after her massive loss, Haley tried to bash Trump. Ironically, Haley used Trump’s own results to bash him.
Unlike Haley (and other challengers), Trump is multi-faceted. When president, he solved domestic problems almost with ease. And he used America’s economy to solve international dilemmas. Trump’s favor with Americans was demonstrated in the trouncing he gave all challengers in Iowa. And it’s safe to say that he will repeat the feat in New Hampshire and beyond.
Trump has the added benefit of Democrats continuing their witch hunts. Polls prove that Trump’s indictments have boosted rather than dampened support for him. More supporters say they are voting to support him amid his legal battles rather than voting for him in spite of them.
Meanwhile, Biden has been dragged down by the economy.
The poll revealed that only 21% of voters think they would be better off financially with Biden in office. Further, more than a third of Democrats even say that having a strong economy is a more significant concern than having a functioning democracy.
In other words, the Democrats’ strategy around “saving the democracy” isn’t resonating with the public. Add this strategy to the dung heap of failed Biden strategies, like Bidenflation is good for the economy. Or what of the Left’s demonization of Trump and the political targeting of him by the courts.
Three strikes, yet the Democrats believe they can take as many swings as they want.

The people aren’t buying it.
A recent Issues & Insights/TIPP poll gave Trump a slightly bigger lead of 37% to Biden’s 34% when third-party candidates are thrown into the mix. Again, I don’t believe the poll, per se. But I do believe the trend of Trump thumping Biden, and by a much larger margin than reported.
A Wall Street Journal poll likely sponsored late last year by some rich fat cat funding Nikki Haley showed Haley beating Biden by 17 points, 51% to Biden’s 34%.
Clearly her strategy involves touting her ability to beat Biden, though she gets trounced by Trump.
“Every one of those polls and against Biden, I beat him by double digits, by 17 points,” Haley said this week. “That’s bigger than the presidency, the House and the Senate. That’s governorships. That’s all the way down to school boards.”
I’d really love to know how Haley believes she can win without Trump supporters.
They easily represent over 50 percent of Republicans at a minimum. And they are loyal almost exclusively to Trump. So Haley must believe she can win over a lot of Independents and Democrats. Or she just have a vivid imagination.
A more realistic Rasmussen Reports poll from earlier this month shows both Trump beating Biden by eight points and DeSantis beating Biden by two points, while Haley trails Biden by two.
Can Haley beat Biden? Don’t know, don’t care. And she will never get the chance. But one thing is for sure, any Republican should be able to beat Biden. But only one will potentially get to do it (again). And that’s Donald Trump.