Biden Trips on Stairs Again

Joe Biden is showcasing that newfound youth the Left keeps touting. So he’s a man about town. And we’ve become use to what happens when Biden is seen publicly.

Biden didn’t disappoint. Watch as he trips twice going up the stairs.

We’ve all tripped up a time or two. But our trips are few and far between. And there is almost always a valid reason. We don’t pay attention, or something like what happened to me recently when a man on a motorized skateboard tripped as his dog dragged him towards my well-behaved dog. The man took a solid fall, and turnabout being fair play, he barked at his dog. Those trip ups and others like them are expected, and thus easily overlooked.

A trip up the stairs once a year, forgivable. One in five tries?

Why the big deal over much ado about nothing…supposedly?

Before you dismiss this event, understand the bigger picture.

Biden mini-tripped.  Not once, but twice. An he did  this knowing that he is being watched. At a time when Biden has been coached to be more aware and at his most vigilant for obvious reasons. All eyes on him, so his mind tells him, “Don’t trip!”.

However, tripping is in his head, but not like a heckler. Biden now trips, because, well…he just trips.

Imagine being in a negotiation with a world leader, and he mentally trips. What trouble could he get us into? Perhaps a proxy war with Russia? Guess what, America. That’s what Biden actually did with Russia.

And what about when Biden told China that he believes in the One China policy.

Tripping is in his nature. Biden can’t help but make rookie mistakes. Walking, talking, thinking, even pooping creates a tripping danger. No matter what he is doing, Biden’s brain is muddled. And it has been for years.

If the Left’s strategy is to show Biden publicly, they should get used to his trip ups.

Old Man Strategy

I reported Biden’s campaign wants to limit his on-feet activities and show him seated. Sort of like how Democrats treated Franklin Delanor Roosevelt. They showed him standing, though he could barely stand and rode around in a wheelchair.

While Biden could use a wheelchair, Democrats would never let that happen. But their deception is no less scandalous than FDR’s.

The New York Times expanded on the cocoon set up by Team Biden. The campaign wants to insulate Biden from public embarrassment. This includes the move to take Biden up the short stairs while boarding the presidential aircraft.

But they went further after Biden did the “louie” on stage at the Air Force Academy. According to the Times,

“Now, there is a Secret Service agent positioned at the bottom of the stairs when he disembarks.”

So Dr. Jill takes Biden up 2-3 steps on to stages. Then when Biden completes his activity, either Dr. Jill or another Biden handler retrieves the old demented clown.

And they think they are hiding this?

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