Breaking: Biden to Send Troops to Texas

In what is yet another sign that Donald Trump will serve his rightful second term, Joe Biden initiated war with Texas.

Yes, Joe Biden put the non-rights of illegals over the rights of sovereign U.S. citizens. And he did it in the state who’s motto is “Don’t Mess with Texas!”.

Biden has made some asinine political moves, and this one ranks among the highest. Amazingly, he got the U.S. Supreme Court with a 6-3 supposed conservative advantage to play along in this vote-gathering charade.

The SCOTUS ruled in January that the federal government could take down Abbott’s razor wire, essentially disregarding the Tenth Amendment. Texas has declared the border a state emergency, and the state is justified. As thousand stream across the border daily, blue state squawk when they get a few hundred illegals. Where exactly does Biden’s demented team think the bulk of these illegals go?

In declaring war on Texas, Biden threw raw meat to his extreme far-left base and nationalized a National Guard contingent to “support the federal government’s U.S.-Mexico border control efforts”. I’m not sure how this works, given that the National Guard is part of each state’s military as it were. Biden has asked members of the Alaska National Guard to step in.

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The Anchorage Daily News reports that the deployment of the troops is scheduled for 2025 — after the election.

[T]he Alaska National Guard on Friday said that a memorandum from the federal government had been issued, directing Alaska forces to prepare two LUH-72 Lakota helicopters and 20 guardsmen to potentially be deployed in early 2025. The units would help provide aviation support to U.S. Customs and Border Protection, said Alaska National Guard spokesperson Alan Brown.

Maj. Ryan Wierzbicki, a spokesman for the U.S. Army’s Joint Task Force North, said in a phone interview that Alaska guard members could be sent to any of four states along the border, including Texas and Arizona.

First, why Alaska?

I see Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin’s fingerprints all over this. And he likely drew up his battleplan while under sedation for his elective prostate cancer surgery. Austin likely picked Alaska, because it’s the “bigger” state.

Texas has 29 million citizens versus Alaska’s just over 700 thousand. Put another way, by population Alaska would be the sixth largest city in Texas. And while I appreciate the frontier spirit of Alaskans, it pales in comparison to that of Texas, at least as long as the fight stays out of the cold. And the Southern Border is anything but.

The two most interesting parts to the story.

Twenty troops?

Seriously? What exactly does Biden think he will accomplish with what can only be thought of as symbolic? Texas might send one troop of all-Boy Scouts to take care of that pesky contingent of the Alaskan guard.

Worse, they are deploying 20 troops over 4 states. For those doing the math, that’s 5 troops per state.

And what’s with tipping his hand on the equipment? How will those 4 squads utilize those 2 Lakota helicopters? Will they take turns shooting feral hogs? Because the 5 troops assigned to Texas better avoid that Texas Ranger Governor Abbott will task of dispatching them. All in a days work for some of the best lawmen in the land.

I suggest Biden think “Afghanistan”, when considering attacking Texas. If you think Biden botched the escape from Afghanistan, wait until he watches what left of his troops when they tuck tail and run.

Deployment in 2025?

Base on the deployment date,  I know Biden isn’t serious. Some might argue that Biden wants to wait until after his re-election to implement this “bold” plan. Thus, he avoids further bad optics. But I disagree with any such assessment.

I believe Biden fully expects to lose to Trump (and he will). Afterwards, Trump will reverse the nonsense, and America can go back to protecting our sovereignty.

Clearly Biden faces a dilemma of his own creation, and one that has a simple solution: protect Americans. But since Democrats now depend on the illegal vote, Biden must at least try to stay the course.

Thankfully, President Trump has already stated that he will perform mass deportations. And the public has the appetite for this, particularly now that Biden has lost much of the black vote over this issue.

Consider this a win for the good guys. Biden figuratively declared war on Texas, and that’s all Trump needs to make this a big win for conservatism.


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