NY Times: Another Major Biden Defector

I get a kick out of every time somebody says that Biden needs to step aside, they do the same thing. Have you spotted it?

Why can’t they just dump the guy without reservation?

Erza Klein, a columnist and podcast host for The New York Times, called on Joe Biden to end his White House bid. Nothing new with that. But what he says next is what always makes me chuckle.

“I want to say this clearly: I like Biden. I think he’s been a good president. I think he is a good president. I don’t like having this conversation,” Klein said Friday in an episode of his podcast, “The Ezra Klein Show.”.

The man actually repeated, [pp] “I think he’s a good president”. Why don’t I believe him? Perhaps it’s that he said “I don’t like having this conversation”. This very difficult conversation.

But it gets more difficult as his next comments suggests. Klein continues,

“And I know a lot of liberals, a lot of Democrats are going to be furious at me for this show.”

“I think Biden, as painful as this is, should find his way to stepping down as a hero,” he added later.

Ouch. That had to be tough to admit. And clearly I see why now Klein prefaced his remarks about how much he loves Biden.

Klein goes on to state the obvious:

“The people whom Biden listens to — Barack Obama, Chuck Schumer, Mike Donilon, Ron Klain, Nancy Pelosi, Anita Dunn — they need to get him to see this,” he continued. “Biden may come to see it himself.”

Now are you really ready for a hearty laugh? Klein wants people to believe that the old fart stuck in the 1960s can be a “bridge”.

Klein said the Democratic Party should want to help Biden to be “the bridge of the next generation,” making reference to what the president called himself during his 2020 campaign.

“The party should help him find his way to that, to being the thing he said he would be in 2020, the bridge to the next generation of Democrats,” Klein continued. “And then I think Democrats should meet in August at the convention to do what political parties have done at conventions so many times before, organize victory.”

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This is as close as Democrats get to stating the obvious. Klein echoes most of the members of his party as eh worries about the damage Biden is doing to Democrats.

How long can this party blatantly lie, and attempt to prop up the pathological lying clown?

Democrats pretend to laud Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act, which did exactly as predicted: opposite. Democrats know this. Biden’s handling of, well, everything has panicked the Democrats.

His age has always been and continues to be a major question. And that fact was exacerbated by the special counsel report. It’s almost as if Democrats were waiting for the special counsel to give them permission criticize the obvious about Biden. But now that the permission has been granted, he piling on has begun.

Joe Biden may very well be “a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory”. But he’s about to be exposed definitively as an old-brain damaged crook.

How difficult must it have been for the Trump-hating Ezra Klein to pen that message.

No amount of platitudes for “a job well done” by Biden can erase the underlying message of Klein. Sadly for Democrats, Klein speaks for millions of others.

Ask yourself this. Given what you’ve witnessed of Biden’s decline, would you fill in the oval in support of Joe Biden for another 4 years? I know if Trump were Biden, he would not get my vote.

Democrats know that the biggest person encouraging voter suppression is Joe Biden. As he said of his candidacy, “Watch me”.


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