Democrats Scared Ahead of Biden’s State of the Union

In what epitomizes the Biden administration, they announced his State of the Union on X. With the wrong year and month.

We had the actual Tweet, but then it was removed. But the White House apparently released a tweet there they listed the State of the Union in Feb of 2023. The link to the tweet no longer works. However, I did capture a screenshot by Chaya Raichik:

An honest mistake? Perhaps. But at that level, a mistake like shows incompetence.

As I thought about that very basic screw up by Team Biden, I wondered about further prep, given the significance of the event by some.

Many allude that this SOTU for Biden may be the most important SOTU of his presidency. Business Insider declared, “Biden’s biggest moment before the election”.

Given Biden’s war with Russia, his attacks on Israel by way of Hamas, an invasion at the Southern border, and Bidenflation, it seems that Biden may have had a few bigger moments. Certainly with his family under investigation for corruption, Joe Biden will have a bit more to deal with soon.

Other publications hinted at Washington DC’s big secret: Biden is old and mentally unfit. Fox News teased an article: “Democrats quietly nervous about Biden’s performance”. Then, the BBC wrote the following:

President Joe Biden will deliver a high-stakes address to the American public on Thursday evening, as the 81-year-old seeks to tackle concerns about his age, put a positive gloss on his first-term record and lay out the case for his re-election in November.


Traditionally these annual speeches to Congress are standard affairs, full of pageantry and laundry lists of legislative priorities. But this year, questions about Mr Biden’s fitness for office and polls that suggest an extremely tight race for the presidency, mean the address is a critical moment for the president.

“This speech is particularly important to rally Democrats and calm their nerves,” said Michael Waldman, who served as speechwriting director for President Bill Clinton. “He needs to show that he’s vigorous and in command and a happy warrior.”

A Rare Opportunity?

Interestingly, the BBC mentioned the State of the Union giving Biden “a rare opportunity to speak to a national audience of millions, and draw a contrast with his Republican competitor, former President Donald Trump.” Indeed. Biden passed up this opportunity recently, when he refused to do an interview before the Super Bowl. That would have been a much easier audience and venue than the SOTU.

But here we are. Democrats worried all over DC and the country for Biden to simply report on the state of the union for an hour or so. Routine for any chief executive, but not for Biden.

Despite all the behind-the-scenes efforts to prop Biden up for one last challenge, the outcome remains uncertain?

What does this say about Joe Biden? More importantly, what does this say about the people who would vote for his listless clown?

Imagine for just a minute all the hoopla behind the scenes to prepare Biden for this event? The need for Biden to get 22 hours of rest, versus his normal 20 hours. You can bet his staff was told to limit all discussions for the day of the routine annual presentation.

“The president MUST be rested and ready to go! they yell panicked!”

Consider the make-up job alone in their attempt to make Old Joe look “youthful and vigorous”. I’m betting Oprah Winfrey sent her personal makeup magician to help Joe out.

And what of Biden’s “Dementia Team”? Talk about working overtime. What prep must this team do? Comms checks, signalers in the crowd, and the possible distraction needed in the event Biden creates a verbal Armageddon for Democrats.

The media must be alerted to pull the switch on the broadcast, if necessary. Fact-checkers stand at the ready to validate Biden lies. They tie directly to media and social media who will spread the lies immediately, and shadow-ban anyone reporting the truth.

How long will he last?

Let’s not forget the meds. I’m not sure what props a person up for a couple of hours. Nevertheless, I do know things exist. Here’s what was suggested back in 2020:

Fox News contributor Marc Siegel suggested to Tucker Carlson on Monday night, September 21, that former Vice President Joe Biden may be taking “speed” or the ADHD medication Adderall.

Siegel’s speculation came during a segment on President Donald Trump‘s continued insistence on both candidates being drug tested before their first debate, which is scheduled for September 29.

I have GREAT NEWS. This is Biden’s LAST SOTU!

Biden won’t be flawless. But let’s pretend for a moment that he knocks it out of the park. At the end of that routine speech is the reality of Biden’s America.

Nothing will work. America won’t be wooed by words. And certainly not words from a pathological liar.






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