Democrats Have Conceded the White House

Biden quit. But his understudy Kamala Harris is dumber than the demented version of Biden. In effect, she presents worse problems for Democrats than Joe Biden.

Does anybody think Harris has gotten better since she got her ass kicked in the Democrat primary in 2020? And that race was Bush League politics compared to facing Trump. Simply put: Harris can’t beat Biden, yet she’s his replacement.

Also, after 4 years under Biden, Harris watched incompetence up close. Biden’s inability to be an effective president was exceed only by the media’s lack of coverage of his bungling. So Harris got a microscopic view of failed “leadership”, leadership that led to an embarrassing end.

I feel safe to say that anybody who worked for Biden lost at least a third of their IQ.

But not only is Harris just plain stupid, she’s a horrible campaigner with no actual experience to tout. Does she really plan to run on Biden’s record? I guess now Harris will take credit for saving democracy, bringing decency to the White House, and bringing back jobs the Democratic Party strategically killed to give Biden that talking point? Then, let’s not forget how Harris solidified NATO by sending billions to a country that’s not a member of NATO. Oh, and finally what campaign would be complete without the Democrat preserving women’s right to kill babies?

Did I get everything?

Many Democrats will eventually ask, “Why Harrs?”, if they aren’t asking it already.

Harris doesn’t bring the Black vote, and women have no added affinity for her. So Democrats get no bump for picking her, and that’s if Harris can even win the nomination. But if she happens to get the nod, I’m not sure how Democrats sell Harris to the public.

Granted, she brings name-recognition. But that’s really her only positive attribute. Honestly, that’s why I believe the Democrats have made her a sacrificial lamb. I know if I were them, I would focus on winning the House and trying to keep the Senate,. And while that will be difficult for Democrats as well, they will at least have the RINOs helping them.

The RINOs are equally invested with Democrats in trying to preserve what’s left of The Great Reset. So Trump will be forced to work hard to win the down-ticket races. Truthfully, Republicans would gain many House seats and take the Senate if the election were fair. But it won’t be. So the RNC will need to have a firm strategy in place to counter the cheating.

A look back at Harris:

When Harris stopped her campaign back in 2020, MSNBC reported the following:

Harris, the daughter of an Indian mother and a Jamaican father, launched her campaign to great fanfare on Jan. 21, Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Days later, she held her first rally in front of a crowd of more than 20,000 people in Oakland.

In April, she reported raising $12 million in the first quarter — second only to Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., who raised $18 million.

Then, at the first Democratic debate in June, she drew notice for attacking former Vice President Joe Biden for his stance on busing and school segregation. After that, her polling numbers shot into the double digits, including registering at 13 percent in the national NBC/WSJ poll.

But her fundraising began lagging over the summer (she reported in July having raised $11.8 million in the second quarter — trailing South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg’s $24.9 million, Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s, D-Mass., $19.1 million, and Sanders’ $18.2 million) and was put on the defensive on health care at the second Democratic debate at the end of July.

Following that debate, her polling numbers dropped to the single digits — and never really recovered.

The most Harris garnered from Democrats was 13 percent. If she remains unopposed, then she will inherit 40 percent of Democrats. But there is no reason to believe that Democrats will suddenly shift to support Harris more now than in the primaries. At her peak, 87 percent of Democrats didn’t vote for her before. Frankly, I think Harris will be lucky to get 80 percent of Democrats to support her presidency, again that’s if she makes it as the nominee.

But as I stated earlier, Harris will not get better in campaigning.

She’s completely inept at the leadership required to run this country. Democrats undoubtedly know this. Consider the desperation of this party as they replace one clueless moron with another.



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